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My P.O.V
    "If I'm Moon, who's in my body? What should I do? Just act like I'm her? DO I HAVE TO WARE HER CLOTHES?!?!" I take a deep breath,"Everything's going to be fine, I'll just call, um, myself, and see who answers." Moon's phone is on her dresser, I grab it, and turn it on,'Oh my Arceus, you've got to be kidding me, SHE HAS A PASSWORD?!?!' Ok, let's try S-i-n-n-o-h, no? Ok, P-i-p-l-u-p, really? I need to think like her...No, she wouldn't be that mean would she? It's my only idea, ok, S-u-n-i-s-a-i-d-i-o-t *Ding* "Of course that's her password! Why am I not surprised?!" Now what does she have me under? Idiot, that looks promising.

Moon's P.O.V
    "Alright I need to chill, I'll be fine." I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, DANG IT! IT'S SUN'S MOM! "Sun? Is everything Okay up there? I heard screaming." How do I respond? "I'm fine mom, I just banged my head!" She seems content, yep, the footsteps are going down stairs.
     *Watch out! It's the bad***, do not answer she'll kill you!* What the heck? I pick up Sun's phone to see my number flashing on the screen, I hit the talk button and do my best Sun impression,"Hello, this is Sun the idi-delivery boy!" All I hear is panicked breathing,"WHO IS THIS!? I WANT MY BODY BACK! I DON'T WANT TO BE MOON!!" The person on the other side sounds like me, does that mean I sound like Sun? "Ok calm down miss," "I'M NOT A GIRL! I'M SUN!" Go figure.

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