acting 101

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My P.O.V
Moon explains what happened to her, the two of us just sit in silence, I don't know what to say so I get up and look in her closet,"Hey Moon, Do you have any rules I should follow?" I ask,"Yes, yes I do, firstly keep my room clean, secondly DON'T be yourself, you need to act and talk like me, ok? ok." "Alright then, don't make people think I'm secretly like you."Got it, ok bye!" *Click* She hung up...well, I guess I should change now,'I wonder' I take a step into her closet and a spit second later step out, completely dressed, so that's how girls do it, wellp , I'm gonna call Hau! Oh, wait, I don't know what Moon has him under...oof, I'll just go to town. "Ah, fresh air!" I exclaim, suddenly, there's a tap on my shoulder,"Moon, Gladion, Hau, and I are going to the park for a hike! Do you want to come?" Lillie asks, WHAT WOULD MOON SAY?!? I'm just gonna go,"Sure, I'll come." I say, in my best impression of Moon,"Alright then, LAST ONE THERE HAS TO BUY MALASADAS FOR EVERYONE!" Hau yells, and runs off. Arceus.

Moon's P.O.V
I'm so glad I hung up, now that that's done, time to get Sawsbucks! Wait, I still need to get dressed, I go to step into the closest, then I realized,'Crap this isn't my house!' I'll have to get dressed the normal way. ~le time skip~ Now that I'm finished, it's Sawsbucks time! *flash back* "Don't make people think I'm secretly like you." *end of flash back* Arceus dang, I agreed to those terms it's my fault, I'm just gonna go outside,"This should help clear my head." I say aloud, then someone grabs my baseball hat,"Hey guys! Sun is awake!" Shouts Lillie, she then puts Sun's hat over her strawberry blond hair, Lillie! Does she always do this to Sun? I don't like her doing that, what I'm I saying? I couldn't care less if she does that."Come on Sun, we're going on a hike!" Lillie says excitedly, she grabs my hand and drags me to the park with her, I'm extremely uncomfortable with her holding my hand like this.

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