
"If I'm Moon, who's in my body? What should I do? Just act like I'm her? DO I HAVE TO WARE HER CLOTHES?!?!" Sun yells to nobody in particular.

He takes a deep breath,"Calm down Sun. Everything's going to be fine, I'll just call, um, myself, and see who answers."

Moon's phone is on her nightstand, he grabs it, and turns it on. When the phone flicks to life, a feeling of dread forms in his stomach.

'Oh my Arceus, you've got to be kidding me, SHE HAS A PASSWORD?!?!'

He mentally sifts through every conversation he's had with Moon.

S-i-n-n-o-h, no?

P-i-p-l-u-p, incorrect.

"Okay, if I want to unlock this I need to think like her...No, she wouldn't be that mean would she? It's my only idea though, I should try just in case."


The phone unlocks, revealing a group photo for her background, and their app icons being pictures of poison types.

"Of course that's her password!" Sun pinches the bridge of his nose, "Why am I not surprised?"

Getting back on track, he opens the contacts and begins scrolling.

'Now what does she have me under? Idiot? That looks promising.'


"Alright I need to chill, I'll be fine." She sighs, letting go of her legs and letting herself lay down.

She hears footsteps coming up the stairs, and recognizes them as his mom.

"Sun? Is everything Okay up there? I heard screaming." She asks, knocking on the door.

'How do I respond?'

"I'm fine mom, I just banged my head!" Moon quickly lies.

Thankfully she seems content, and the footsteps go back down stairs. A wave of relief washes over Moon, and she let's out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

*Watch out! It's the scary lady, do not answer she'll kill you!* A ringtone chimes.

Moon looks around to find the source of the noise, and ends up pulling Suns phone from under his pillow. She sees her number flashing on the screen, and hits the talk button. Then, with her best Sun impression says, "Hello, this is Sun the idi-delivery boy!"

All she hears on the other side is panicked breathing, though the silence is quickly broken.

"WHO IS THIS!? I WANT MY BODY BACK! I DON'T WANT TO BE MOON!!" The person yells, a bit to close to the phone.

Moon recognizes the voice as herself, 'Does that mean I  sound like Sun?'

"Ok calm down miss-" She begins.


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