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The loud scream of a girl slowly faded after a minute. The only sound that could be heard was a heavy and satisfied growl. The whole mansion was in a total mess with blood and broken furniture everywhere.

There were three bodies laying dead on the cold floor. The tall old man grinned widely after licking the remaining blood at the side of his lips.

"Goodbye, cousin..."

The cloud turned red blood alerted the whole residents of The Vamp that the new king was appointed that day.

The old man, Lee Dani left the main mansion with the biggest smirk. He never felt guilty even after killing his own cousin as well as their maids and the one and only pure blood human which turned him into a king just now.

After he left, a little girl went down the stairs with a fluffy teddy bear in her small hand. As a 5 years old vampire, she barely aware what had just happened around her. She walked to his father who laid on the floor, not breathing.

"Appa...wake up. Yujin hungry..."

She kept calling for his father but he never replied her. She noticed a silver iron rod stabbing her father's chest. Her mind then remembered what her father once said to her.

"Yujin-ah. Never touch the silver iron rod. It will kill you,"

The last warning by his father a week ago rang in her mind. She still felt clueless as a 5 years old girl and chose to lay beside her dead father while hugging him.

"Yujin scared..."


Yujin jolted from her sleep. She sighed. It has been years and she still had the same dream on the day her father died. The sudden alarm sound surprised her. She quickly closed it.

"Another day I beat my own alarm," mumbled Yujin.

She took a long shower before going down to have a breakfast. She have so much things to do as a new ruler of vampires.

A short prologue for you guys
Little bit of warm up before the long chapter ahead

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