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"Why are you here?!"

The low growl was heard behind him. Wonwoo almost fell if he did not support himself with the wall beside him.

Yujin was tied on the bed with elastic rope. Her face was as pale as a corpse. Her eyes was slightly red looking at him sharply.


"Why are you here?!"

She almost screamed which made Wonwoo afraid. He did not want the others to notice his missing too early. He needed to this. He did not want to back off now. He already went this far and he would not stop.

Yujin tried to free herself from the rope. Wonwoo's blood scent bothered her. When the vampires were badly wounded, their sense of smell was triple than normal. Even the Clear River could not cover it.

"Get out please..." let out Yujin softly.

She tried to control her remaining sanity. She did not want to hurt or kill him. Not when she almost died as well.

"I'm sorry, I would not stop until you heal. I don't want you to die," said Wonwoo.

"You are crazy, Jeon Wonwoo..."

The red color slightly shone into the room through the window. It was already dawn. The sound of steps approached the room surprised Wonwoo a bit.

"Yujin-ah, I will prepare medi-"

"Eunha!!! Get him out of here now!! Get Wonwoo out of here!" yelled Yujin on top of her lungs.

She really lost her mind now. She growled towards Wonwoo and moved aggresively to free herself.

"Yujin-ah!! What do you mean by Wonwoo? He is in Werewolves Land!"

However, Eunha got no response from her. She tried to open the door but it was locked from inside. She wanted to deny her instinct but could not.

"Wonwoo oppa!! Don't tell me you are in there! Open the door now! You will die if you continue like this,"

She banged the door which attracted the attention of the other vampires in the house.

"What's wrong, Eunha?" asked Joshua.

"Oppa, please...Wonwoo is inside the room. He locked it," begged her.

Jeonghan and Joshua were shocked. They tried to push it but nothing changed.

"We can't freeze or burn it, it is the spell door made by Yujin," sighed Jeonghan.

"Jun!! Bring Jun here!"

Joshua quickly ran to the Werewolves Land. Mingyu came out of his room when he heard noise.

"What happened?"

"Mingyu-ya! Try to persuade Wonwoo to stop his stupid act. He wants to give his blood to Yujin in there," said Jeonghan.

"W-What? Wonwoo hyung!! Why are you here?!" he banged the door.

"I'm sorry, Mingyu. I can't live peacefully if I could not save her,"

"Wonwoo hyung, please! Don't do anything stupid!!"


Umji jolted from her sleep. She sweated a lot. She rubbed her face softly.

"Tell me it is just a dream," mumbled Umji.

The loud bang on the door surprised her. She quickly came out of the room.

"Shua oppa? Why are you here?" asked her.

"Wonwoo...he did something crazy...he-"

"What's with the ruckus?" asked Seungcheol who just woke up.

"Wonwoo's in Yujin's room now!! Where's Jun? We need him!" said Joshua.

Umji fell down with shock.

"It's not a dream. It's not..."

"Hey, are you alright?" asked Joshua.

He waited for Seungcheol to call Jun.

"I saw him. I saw Yujin. I saw Yujin bites him," said Umji.

Joshua unconsciously grasped his hand tightly. It must be a future prediction.

"Shua hyung!!"

"Jun, teleport now!"


Wonwoo came close to Yujin where the rope was already loosen from her a bit.

"Don't come near..."

Wonwoo took the clock on the table and broke the window glass with it. The glass sound made them more anxious.

"Where's Jun?!"

Wonwoo took a big piece of the broken glass. He grasped it which made his blood fell down slowly from the wound. Yujin growled again but still could control herself.

"Please go...!"

Wonwoo ended up changing his spot. He pointed the glass on his neck. Yujin widen her eyes.


"I'm sorry..."

He slashed his neck, enough for the blood to flow. Yujin could not restraint herself anymore. The loosen rope made her free easily and quickly pounced on Wonwoo.


She ended up biting his neck deeply and sucked his blood to her fullest.

Jun was shocked when he teleported himself in the room from Myungho's. He stunted when Wonwoo turned pale slowly before his body fell down.

"N-No! No!! No!!!"

Yujin screamed when she realized what just happened. Her hand filled with his blood. The cloud turned dark red outside.

"We are too late..." said Eunha when she noticed the cloud.

The door was opened. They rushed inside but was stunted as well.

"I'm sorry, I'm late,"

Eunha went to Yujin who was screaming non-stop. She hugged her tightly.

"Eunha-ya. Tell me this is a dream. Tell me this is not happening," cried Yujin.

"Shh...close your eyes, Yujin-ah,"

"Eunha, bring her to the medic room. We need to settle him down now," said Mingyu.

She nodded and brought Yujin to the medic room. Mingyu, Jeonghan and Jun have nothing to say. All things happened so fast.

"Jeonghan-ah! Where's he-"

Seungcheol was speechless the moment his eyes saw Wonwoo's lifeless body.

"D-Don't tell m-me..."

"Yes, Yujin bit him," said Jun.

Mingyu carried Wonwoo's body and put him on the bed.

"Left the room now. Eunha will seal it for sometimes,"

They left the room. Leaving Wonwoo's body there.

It has been awhile since I made some comments under each of my update
From now on, the story might become complicated and mix plot, but I hope you guys can bare with it as it is my first fantasy fanfic
It is hard to maintain the plot and give each member's part equally
I'm already grateful and happy that you guys still wait and read my story even sometimes I rarely updating
Thanks again and hope you guys have a great day:)

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