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Entry #10

Silver iron rod
The biggest enemy of us
Never touch it, never come near it, never let it kill you
It's not only weakening your power but also the main weapon that can kill our kind
Once it comes contact with you, it will be hard for you to heal it


Yujin sensed the familiar presence near the barrier. She quickly teleported herself to the main gate. Once she arrived there, she saw a big figure of wolf stopped in front of her before turning himself.

"S-Seungcheol...? What are you doing here?" asked Yujin.

"Danger! Witches...they are coming," said Seungcheol while panting.

"How..?! I kept strengthening the barrier..."

Then, she realized she forgot to do so when she got her new power few days ago.

"Oh my god!"

"Why? Why?"

"It's my fault!" Yujin rubbed her face in frustration.

"I got my new power at the same day I should strengthen the barrier. I-"

"We can't do anything about it. Where is he? That pure blood guy. We must hide him," said Seungcheol.

"I will handle that. Gather your pack and distract them first,"

Seungcheol nodded and left the mansion. Yujin teleported into the mansion back and called all of them including Wonwoo.

"Why did you call us here?" asked Joshua.

Yujin immediately electrocuted Wonwoo which made him unconscious.

"Yah, Lee Yujin!!"

"The witches came! We don't have time to argue. Hide him quickly!" said Yujin, ignoring the yelling from Mingyu just now.

Jun was fast and teleported Wonwoo to their special hideout.

"Don't use your new power yet. You are still recovering," reminded Eunha.

"So what's your plan?" asked Umji.

"We face them,"


The witches walked out of the barrier easily. It was unexpected that the barrier was weakening. However, before they could reach The Vamp, they were being blocked by the werewolves.

"Scoups, Woozi and Hoshi. We got three alpha leaders here," said Irene mockingly.

"Did you guys still work together?"

"Cut that crap. What do you want, Irene?" said Seungcheol firmly.

"As usual,"

Irene smirked when she sensed the presence of her enemy.

"Well, nice to meet you again, Lee Yujin," said Irene which made the werewolves turning around.

Yujin walked confidently towards them. She did not take off her glare from Irene which made her smirk after.

"You still don't like me even a bit. It hurts girl," said Irene before laughing evilly.


"Straight forward, I see,"

Yujin stood beside Seungcheol while her members behind her with the other werewolves.

"He's not here," whispered Seulgi but Yujin caught it.

"You never changed. Still asking for pure blood human even though your clan is the least group that need them," said Yujin sarcastically.

She remained her poker face. However, it never scared Irene.

"Your friend, Moon Junhui. I see that he is not here. He must be with him," said Irene.

Yujin noticed she tried to distract her with a long talk. Somehow she felt worry. She knew Irene well. She would not come without preparing anything.

"What did you do this time, Bae Juhyun?!!" asked her seriously.

Her eyes suddenly turned red. Eunha noticed it and nudged Mingyu beside her to calm Yujin down.

"Opps! You notice it. Hahaha...just a small gift for you and that little guy from me,"

"Hope you enjoy it~"

Irene and her clans went back to their island. Yujin with unreadable look immediately teleported herself to the mansion.

Other vampires and werewolves seemed clueless but rushed themselves to the mansion as well.

Once she reached there first, she was surprised when the royal guards broke her shield. With her telekinesis power, she threw some of them outside the mansion and they hit the trees.

She ended up using her new power and electrocuted all guards that were present in the mansion. Jun tried to fight them with his strength but he looked wearing out already.

Yujin saw her uncle, Lee Dani between the royal guards. He aimed the silver iron rod towards Jun who looked tired on the floor. She quickly teleported herself in front of him and shielded both Jun and her.

"Back off, Lee Yujin!!" ordered her uncle but she did not budge even a bit.

Dani used his power to overturn her shield power which made her stumbled backwards because of the strong power.

"Yujin-ah!" screamed Jun.

Yujin caught blood and touched her heart afterwards. Although she has more power than him, she still could not control it. There's a lot of things she needed to learn to increase each of her powers.

"Still weak like your father," mocked him.

Her friends and werewolves reached on time and fought the other guards. Dani felt that they were in the verge of defeat and immediately aimed the rod towards Yujin.

Yujin was distracted when she noticed Wonwoo on the first floor peeking from the door. Jun's scream made her back to reality and quickly dodged the rod but it cut her side abdomen instead.


Dani and the alive guards left the mansion in chaos. They failed to get the pure blood human but Dani did injure Yujin with silver iron rod.

Yujin panted heavily while trying to hold the pain from the rod earlier. She felt like dying even though it was just a slight cut and the blood did not run out that much.

"Eunha, quickly!!" said Mingyu.

Jeonghan and Joshua brought her to Eunha's medic room while Mingyu brought Jun.

He noticed Wonwoo at the first floor looking at them with guilty face.

"Seokmin-ah, take care of him for us for a while," said Mingyu before he disappeared to the medic room as well.

Sorry for taking a long time to update
I will make up for it
Hope you guys enjoy the story^^

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