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"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" asked Mingyu.

"Where's she? She is fine, right? Eunha treated her already, right?"

All of them were silent. It took only a few seconds as their attention moved to the loud scream from the medic room.

"Is that she? I will-"

Jeonghan held his shoulder.

"It is Yujin. You sit here and don't move," said him.

He brought Joshua with him to the medic room.

"Yujin? What happened to her?"

" don't remember anything when you are in The Wizdom?" asked Jun.

"The Wizdom? When did I- argh!!"

He held his head tightly. He ended up screaming because of the pain. They somehow turned panic but tried to control him as Eunha was still handling Yujin.

He did not response with any of their help. Jun teleported himself to get anaesthetic and injected it in Mingyu. He slowly fell unconscious which made them sigh in relief.

However, Yujin was still screaming in the room. Joshua suddenly ran to the stairs.

"Bring Wonwoo out of here!! She will attack him now!" yelled him.

Without second thought, Jun teleported himself and Wonwoo to Werewolves Land. He brought him to Myungho.

"What bring you here, hyung?" asked Myungho.

"Long story. Can we stay here for sometimes?"

"Yeah, sure. Suit yourself," said Myungho.


The scream faded slowly as Yujin fell unconscious. Jeonghan and Joshua as well as Eunha sighed in relief. It took them almost 3 hours to control her.

"Where's Wonwoo now?" asked Jeonghan.

"Werewolves Land at Myungho's place," said Seungcheol.

"Can he stay there until she recover? We don't want anything bad happen to him before red blood moon,"

"Rest assure. We will take care of him. You guys can see him as well," said Soonyoung.

"Is there possibility that she could recover anyway?" asked Jihoon.

Three of them fell silent. The other vampires could sense it already and avoided to ask more but not for the werewolves.

"Reply us, Jeonghan-ah!"

"Less than 2 weeks. She only has less than 2 weeks to live," said Jeonghan after a moment of silence.

They were speechless.

"No! You guys must save her!!"

Seungcheol wanted to go to her room but was stopped by Joshua.

"Calm down-"

"I'm not going to calm down! Not until-"

"We can't do anything about it!! Unless you want to sacrifice Wonwoo..."

Jeonghan's voice turned low. He tried to stop himself from crying.

"We must choose one between them, Seungcheol oppa. But now, Wonwoo is our priority. I'm sorry..."


It has been a week since Wonwoo stayed in Werewolves Land. He did become close with the members there but he felt worried about his friends in The Vamp especially Yujin.

He did not know anything about her condition. Whenever they met to discuss about it, he always left out.

Mingyu slowly recovered from his memory but nothing could help him from his grieve. He has been locking himself since he awake last week.

He did not talk much and always avoided the members. The only one he talked to was Eunha for his treatment.

Meanwhile, Yujin was still the same. She did not have much time left. Even recovering was not working on her now as the smoke already damaged 80% of her lungs and other organs.

There's no way they would sacrifice Wonwoo to save her. Even Yujin herself would against it. However, the faith said otherwise.


The house was quiet as all of them fell asleep. Including Myungho and Jun. Wonwoo who could not bring himself to sleep, got up and went outside the house.

The moon was almost full in the dark sky. The slightest red could be seen on it. Yes, tomorrow was the red blood moon.

He knew that if he survived until tomorrow, he would not be hunted again but his heart felt hurt. He could not bare to live peacefully while his vampire friends mourned for Yujin the next day.

That day, he made the most stupid decision in his life. He sneaked out of Werewolves Land unknowingly to The Vamp. He wanted to save her even if he needed to sacrifice himself.

The whole mansion was quiet and dark with only dim light. He stepped slowly into the mansion to avoid any suspicion or noise that could alert the other vampires there.

For the time being, only Mingyu, Eunha, Jeonghan and Joshua were there in the mansion. The others were sent to Werewolves Land to protect him.

Wonwoo went upstairs to Yujin's room. He seemed hesitant but he did not want to back out. His hand was shivering but he insisted to open the door to her room.

The door was not locked as expected. He still remembered that the vampires who was injured badly would not sane to think rationally so there was no need to block or lock the door.

He closed the door slowly and locked it from inside. He also blocked the knob with chair and small furniture. He was determined with his decision and did not want others to ruin it.

'I'm sorry, Jun-ah...I'm sorry, Mingyu-ya...'

"Why are you here?!"

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