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- "GAH!"

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- "GAH!"

a loud scream shrieks from one of aym's men as a specific spear thrusts through the poor enemy's chest. the spear slams through the man's sternum, successfully cracking several bones in the process.

the owner of said spear quickly yanks it out with his left hand. his clothed hand wipes the sweat from his forehead as he takes a few deep breaths. falling from the top of a mountain into a mortal isn't easy, nor is it any feat for the man.

his limbs stung a bit from the impact, yet not a single bone in his lean body had been obstructed or destroyed. he's done countless times before, his body had to be quite used to it.

his eyes harshen behind his thick, demonic appearing, mask as he watches the foe die below him. his heart pumps a few more squirts of blood, effectively getting him and the soil covered in the liquid. it doesn't take long for the heart to cease it's beating.

a small 'huf' leaves the mans throat as he turns his back on the corpse,

    "alatus! your back!"

the green haired man quickly snaps his body around, spear in hand. it's here that his eyes connect with a pair of e/c ones right before his face. the other man didn't seem to mind the little bit of distance between him and the dangerous, alatus.

alatus, slayer of many, defender of liyue. one of the five powerful yakashas of the original elements. bearing the power of anemo, the wind and the strongest storms, he's easily one of the strongest.

the blood of the slain man drips from his face as the run storms on. rain drops hit against both men's skin as they both do laps around each other, walking in a sort of circular motion. alatus' eyes never once leave the man's e/c ones underneath his mask.


the sound of one of his own calling his name rings out through his ears. it sounds similar to his closest friend, bonanus, and he couldn't help but snap his head towards the sound.

a renowned yakasha, falling for such a simple trick.

a sharp pain shoots through his body as the other man's fist collides with his face. his head snaps towards the way of the punch.

alatus calls out with a low growl. he raises up his spear and brings onto the male before him; the tip of it barely missing a vital point in the neck.

a small amused hum leaves the man before him, causing some slight confusion to occur. nothing about this situation is entertaining, nothing at all. several lives are being slain this exact seconds because of his people and the man's laughing.

"alatus! help!"

indarias. the pyro yakasha's voice rings out to the right of him, but alatus isn't so easily fooled this time. he heard it once before, this very trick and that little ... blow of the man's hurts. he's going to feel it in the morning, even.

"fool me twice, huh?"

the voice sounds like a small whisper in the wind. easily dismissed, but clearly noted. it's much similar to that ... archon of wind's element, but it sounds so much different at the same time. barbatos, alatus' archon's teammate in this whole war.

though, this isn't the power of wind's ability. alatus clearly noted how it sounded, how it's able to mimic different voices . . .

y/n, the trickster god of sound.

that's who it is, isn't? that lowly trickster god that keeps switching sides for whoever pays the most?

  "over here~!"

the voice calls out behind him. alatus doesn't turn, as he knows better now. he knows who the man before him is, and it's not like the man had moved.

alatus quickly brings his spear back towards his body before tossing it into the air. he waits. waits for the gravity to pull it back down.

then, he strikes.

with the added power of the wind, he kicks the spear down towards his body. the sound of connection never came.

"alatus! help!"

the trickster god before him imitates one of his companions' voices once again, all while weaseling out of alatus' way.


the low ranked god mocks an explosion, both with his hands and his lips. the mocking causes the yakasha's blood to boil, this wasn't supposed to be a laughing matter. how dare he, a low god, laugh at something that kills many? that kills multiple! it's a disgrace to the gods.

then came the sound of the explosion.

the loud boom sound rings through his ears as he struggles to tell if it's genuine or not. the vibrations make it feel real, as they cause alatus to stumble, but surely, the god of sound can manipulate sound waves? or the vibrations?

"sounds pretty serious, man.
you should leave my boss's
men alone and go back with
your lackluster group of, what?
what is it? yakashas? how pathetic.
poor . . .
bonanus, is it?"


the reader is only addressed in 3rd pov bc this is a xiao/alatus focus <3 enjoy

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