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his small body stands at the peak of the highest mountain as his boss, his archon, speaks to yet another archon

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his small body stands at the peak of the highest mountain as his boss, his archon, speaks to yet another archon. the anemo archon, with close ties to the god of time, he believes who he's visiting.

there's supposed to be an attack, today. a plan, a motion to gather aym's men in one area and slaughter them like boars. that is the plan, and then slaughter the goddess. that's the gist of it, from alatus' understanding. there's so many ... opportunities for error with this singular plan that it seems futile to attempt it.

they're at an disadvantage, as well. aym has the most men, out of the two. even though morax is a fallen sun god, there's still a small possibility. a possibility that alatus cannot stand to bear, liyue is his home, his everything. morax is the creator of liyue, nothing can be afforded to happen to him. alatus can't allow it.

"alatus!" morax's voice calls out to the yakasha. the voice booms through the wind, causing the leaves of the trees to tremor and sway; enhancement from the anemo archon, of course.

in a blink of an eye, alatus teleports from his standing on the mountain to the place where morax is. the trees sway in his sudden appearance, but it's nothing out of the ordinary.

"splendid, lord barbatos and i have come to a conclusion," morax states as the anemo god stands beside him, wings large as ever.

"ehe, we're going to merge forces," lord barbatos states. his voice is more on the feminine side for a man, and his hair is glows a bright shade of blue as he speaks. so do his godly markings on his pale skin.

"with our combined forces, it'll be enough to over take aym's men, and then i can slay her," morax addresses to a blank crowd. most of the yakashas are too exhausted to be retaining the information being spoke to them, the adepti are around somewhere, and the lesser gods at the table also seem rather exhausted.

it has been a long day, for everyone. countless lives were slain on both sides, and they all took numerous numbers of lives. alatus has killed more than he's proud of. their blood rests upon his hands and always will. he was created, from morax, to simply slay demons and nothing more - nothing more. yet, here he is, taking the lives of the same species he was sworn to protect.

it'd only be a matter of time before some god decided to put a toll on his head, for revenge. to pay back for all of these atrocities of war, all of these sins he's committing. oh, how it's all so pointless.

"my good friend, chronos, will always be helping out~!" barbatos chimes as he clasps his pale hands together.

chrollo . . . chronos. where has alatus heard that name before?

"the god of time?" bonanus questions, causing alatus to suddenly remember it all.

chronos, the ancient god of time. one of the most powerful primordial deities of all time, and there's only a select few that surpass him in the strength. he has the ability to stop time with the snap of his fingers, the ability to speed up ones' time on the planet.

"mhm! precisely! him and i go way back, with him on our side, the war will be over in a matter of seconds," barbatos admits with a large, sloppy, grin on his face.

"it'll be a quick war, unless they suddenly gain the guidance of moros or nyx," morax sighs as his glowing fingers pinch the bridge of his nose, "a slim possibility, but still one, nonetheless."

moros, doom incarnate. one of nyx's, goddess of night, many children. he rules over the domain of misery, doom, those sort of trivial things. if anything, he'd sure be one of the ones to rival chronos. as well as nyx, the embodiment of the night.

the night is her true domain, where she is most powerful; and deities don't follow chronos' rule. any god, lesser, archon, any, cannot be frozen in time. it's been proven, time and time again, and the knowledge of the archons proves it. deities do not follow mortal ruled; however,

adepti and yakashas do. if push came to shove, alatus would be frozen alongside humanity if chronos were to stop the ticking clock.

"slim, slim, slim chances! moros, from what chronos has told to me, doesn't take kindly to requests and especially without offerings, of various kinds! nyx is a busy goddess, too," barbatos explains the chances of aym's men gaining help from these gods.

"what of hades? lord of underworld?" cloud retainer chimes into the conversation of the ancient gods.

"hades is too busy with all of the deaths, the messenger god spoke of it earlier," morax sighs.

"ares? athena? zeus?"


"so, moros and nyx are the only two?"

"there's severals of others they could call upon, but those are the ones we are worried about."

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