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you've walked around the manor for a short time, having decided that you could be due for time out in the wilderness

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you've walked around the manor for a short time, having decided that you could be due for time out in the wilderness. maybe explore a few mountains, climb a few trees; anything but being near aym's men.

you and aym aren't close, per se, but you both do get along; it's all just rather draining. being around this many loud and annoying mortals is beyond draining. with how loud and slow they are, it's no wonder that there's an entire war going on.

in all honesty, you could not piece together why this war is even happening, but the why isn't all too important to you. you live for all of the chaos, all of the drama, this war creates. live for all of the secrets that it brings to light.

the branches of the trees to your sides sway with the wind's movements. your father could be perhaps listening or searching for you, but it's unlikely; it's probably just the weather he loves so dearly. the branches make small cracking sounds as they sway, all while birds chirp near you; and the moon's beautiful light struggles to slip past the various amounts of branches full of leaves.

it's a surprise how the forest could stay in tact like this. with all of the war and violence, it's a beautiful surprise. the scenery here is so. so beautiful, so stunning, so breath-taking.

it's a nice change of pace to be on your own in the wilderness, away from all of the mortals, all of their horrible smells, as well. god, mortals smell awful during war, it's rather annoying to you, they could at least attempt to not reek of death.

you turn your head to each of its sides once or twice, before a groan slipped through your lips. all of the forest looks the same. pretty, but the same. where are you? it's unlikely you'll be able to find your way back now, not when you can hardly see your fingers in front of you. the moon's light isn't touching the forest.

"you," a small groan leaves someone's lips from in front of you, you assume. though, realistically, the owner of said voice could be from any direction, no? it's not as if you can see before you, and the sound is lingering in the air, festering.

"oh? may i inquire as to who i owe the pleasure?" you ask, looking around yourself foolishly, in hopes of getting a glimpse of the figure; but you know who the voice belongs to, you had met him earlier. he's a general, isn't he? alatus? or is he something else?

"no, speak, why are you near our land?" the voice speaks harshly, confirming your thoughts; alatus.

"oh?" you grin slightly, it seems your presence strikes a nerve in the man, but he did let a small piece of information slip, "this is liyue? hm? how stupid of you to say such a thing."

"do not mock me, weak god," he speaks before a blade, a spear like object, pierces through your right shoulder.

it takes a lot in you to resist the urge to scream, as the pain shoots through your body quickly. the warm liquid in your body, blood, slips past the wound as alatus roughly yanks the blade back.

if he wants to play, you both can play. after all, you are a trickster, in an unstable environment.

"how rude, you know, it's not kind to stab people when they can't see you."

"it's unkind to pretend my people have died."

"got me there," you rip off a sleeve of your clothing and tie it around the wound alatus created. a small thought pops into your mind and a large grin plasters itself on your face, "tell me, are you alone, alatus?"

"you tell me," alatus grumbles before attempting to stab you once more; however, being stabbed once is enough for you. you quickly shove your body towards the side, barely slipping past his polearm's grasp.

"alatus? alatus?"

you mimick bonanus' voice as you step further into the darkness of the space before you. her voice is rather easy to copy, as it's simply just light and feminine; nothing special about it, no illness or rasp to it.

"alatus? morax sent me to find you! come on."

you make the voice appear as if it's coming from behind him; a gift your father bestowed to you, the power of manipulation of vocal distance as well. after all, it's just the manipulation of sound waves in the breeze; and he is the archon of wind.

no sound leaves alatus' lips as, you believe, he attempts moving his spear forward once more; just to be proven futile. however, in mere seconds, you feel yourself falling onto your back.

your body collides against the ground as a pair of arms grasp for your wrists. you attempt wiggling about, attempt it to slip out of his clutch, but he has more weight to him than you thought originally; proving it difficult to.

   "got you," alatus snarls, his voice raising in pitch as he speaks. his nails dig themselves into your skin as he moves your hands, putting them above your head with a single hand. the rest of his weight remains on your torso, "weak god, speak your business."

  "i am not a weak god," you groan as your eyes seem to have rolled themselves. not like he could see them, anyways, "my business with what? be more specific, here, alatus."

  "state why you're here, quickly, i will not ask again."

   "i was taking a walk, actually."

    "bullshit, did aym send you?"

     "no? she doesn't know i'm gone, now," you speak slowly as you bend one of your legs knees, shifting your weight onto it. with your weight in this leg, you do the same with the other, effectively pushing yourself out from under alatus, "state why you feel the need to manhandle me. though, you really should pay me next time you decide to get on top of me."

     "pervert," alatus grumbles as his hand shoots itself forward, grabbing your forearm, "you're in my land, the one i swore to protect, weak god."

     "again with the fucking weak god, can a weak god do this?" you ask before balling your hand into a tight fist, punching the shorter male straight in the face, "do not fucking touch me again."

you hear how alatus spits to his side, probably his left from the sound of it. it takes him a small moment to loosen his grip on your forearm, but he does, eventually.

that loosened grip is then met with a blow to the stomach, causing you to cough out once.

in retaliation, your arm wraps itself around alatus' neck, holding his head to your chest all while forcing his head upwards.

he kicks your leg. you punch his head again. he pulls your hair, you kick his dick. the fight continues on for several moments, before a loud, masculine and deep, voice calls out for alatus.

   "alatus? is this where you ran to?" the voice questions, earning a groan from alatus.

   "first it's my teammate, and now you impersonate my archon? i'm going to purge you from this very planet, weak god."

"i'm not doing jackshit, try again."

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