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your eyes flick over the paper scroll before you

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your eyes flick over the paper scroll before you. the words seem ancient, of some sorts, but all easy to comprehend nevertheless.

you travelled, earlier, outside through the back of the manor of aym's. you required some privacy for you to finish reading the scroll, which caught your attention the moment you heard of such a thing. seriously, a death scroll? who wouldn't be intrigued by such a thing?

you came to find what a death scroll is, quickly too. it's a scroll containing a summoning ritual of a deity of death and apparently, aym has several of these. afterall, with how amelia addressed it as this was nothing strange; like it's completely normal to list off scrolls with the title of death.

though, there's a slim chance that death scrolls just refer to a contract with the deity, rather than say . . . summoning them. summoning a deity must be hard work, after all.

"should i? i mustn't," you hum to yourself as you continue to examine the contents of the scroll. blood, ritual knife, all the typical contents you'd expect of such a scroll.

"mustn't what, y/n? do tell," a familiar voice speaks from behind you. it's feminine in nature, but dark like the night. aym, the pyro archon and war goddess.

"how long have you had such a scroll?" you ask as you turn around, facing the goddess herself. her skin's tan, glistening under the moon, and her glowing red hair flows with the movements of the wind. her fire-y eyes never once leave your own, especially not after you hold up the scroll for her to see.

"how did you get that, trickster?" aym questions. it seems she isn't going to answer your question, so why should you answer hers?

"keres, huh? how did you obtain such a ... contract? or is it a summoning ritual?" you question.

  "how i obtain such things is of no use to you, who gave you it?"

  "i am a trickster god, take a guess."

  "alright, i'll ask again, who gave you it?"

  "a small little servant of yours, or do you prefer the term maiden?" you chuckle to yourself before shrugging your shoulders down, "why don't you summon her? get her attention? hm? wouldn't that help the war, she is the sister of moros, if i am not mistaken."

  "she is, but she has no will to be included such human matters, she'd rather watch from the side," aym grumbles as she reaches out with her large hand and yanks the scroll out from your grasp.

  "goddess of violent death ... doesn't want to partake in a war? you must've offered her something heinous, let me try," you hold out your hand for her to place the scroll into as you speak.

  "what could you possibly offer her? you're a lesser known deity."

  "i could offer her children."

   "with you? no, and your mother would slaughter me if i allowed you to do such a thing."

   "... who said anything about me laying with her? i prefer men and besides, i meant in sacrifice."

   "a war crime? you are aware i am a war goddess, right?" aym questions as her brow remains raised and a harsher expression lays on her face as you bring up the idea.

   "war is full of crime," you shrug your shoulders as you roll up the thin scroll between your fingers, "besides, she could summon moros, for the right price."

    "we'd have better luck with zeus, or freja," aym groans as her hand clutches her hip harshly, "i suppose we shall try your method, without the slaughter, first, trickster."

   "you ought to call me by my name, by now, aym," a small smile spreads itself onto your face as she speaks of attempting your solution, "besides, they've must've called upon their patrons, it's time for us to, don't ya think? who else do you got?"

   "hypnos and loki, you'd get along with the ladder," she sighs, "shall we attempt to reach all three?"

   "i think we shall, if it goes horribly, hypnos is nyx's son. god of rest, no?"

   "yes, but he has a liking towards humanity," aym sighs.

   "i know a few tricks to help with that," you hum before placing the scroll against aym's chest, "call for me when she is summoned, i will not have my blood infused with such a summoning."

loki, a trickster god of a specific tribe on tevyat, though it's rather difficult to depict which tribe he originated from specifically. the personification of snakes, often associated with feeble trickery, but in some odd cases; more extreme tricks, such as murder. though, he should be one of the easier gods to call upon, just offer him a horse, right? you read about that somewhere, apparently he loves them, maybe a bit too much.

freya, a war goddess of the same tribe, most likely. though, she's depicted as a beautiful, youthful, woman with many kills on her sleeve.

hypnos, god of sleep, apart of the pantheon most prominent on the land of tevyat. some have rumored he even has the ability to slip the strongest, supposedly, of gods to sleep: such as zeus, twice was it? he's also quite known for hiding behind his mother, calling upon her; nyx.

you've read about each of such gods in a few mythology books that were lying around. though, you're sure that they are much different than their mythology, hopefully. if not then ... what a bumpy ride you've signed up for with aym, seriously, a mass murderer and ... a horse fucker.

you can only imagine what gods the opposing side has called upon, as they must've called on someone, at least. it would be foolish not to, much too foolish.

a small hum slips past your lips as you enter the manor, once again, leaving aym to summon the deities on her record. having your blood, your very weak blood, apart of such an important ritual would do no good- for anyone. your blood isn't of that of the strongest deities, besides an archon, but beyond that it's much too weak to go around summoning several gods with it.

though, surely, not everyone would answer, now would they?

only time will tell.

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