The cove

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This is my first reader insert where I also will write probably smut. I'm excited and also scared. That's why I made the age of the characters like in Race to the Edge also 18 so no trouble. This story starts with the first movie, but like I said Hiccup and the gang are 18. I think it's actually more logical that young adults fight against freacking dragons than 16-year-olds!

Also, the Mermaid-Reader will be my own interpretation of mermaids, I took some aspects from different sources and put them in one. ^^

I hope you will like it and leave some comments .3.

They make me so happy!

They make me so happy!

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It was so... tranquil.

Yes, that was the right word.

It was so tranquil.


Protected from prying eyes.

You looked around the cove. The trees, the stone formations.

It was like a little sanctuary.

Who would have thought that the underwater tunnel you have found today would lead you to this? You were deep in the forest which belonged to the land-dwellers.

Your [F/C] fishtail hit the water surface playfully.

This...was great.

A place just for you.

Away from your coven, who demand that you finally found someone to have children with.

You were 18 and it was high time you born a new generation. Like some of your friends already did. Just...non of the mermen in your coven had caught your eye.

You didn't know yourself why you just couldn't settle with someone. For what where you searching?

Signing you swam around the pool of the coven and then decide to sit on land, with half your fishtail in the water.

You hugged yourself, listing to the sounds of the birds chirping.

Yes, maybe you could live here alone for a while. Till you felt ready to try again with your suitors.

It was decided.

You would do this.

You needed a break and you would get it.

Smiling, you concreted, till your fishtail turned into human legs.

Careful you stood up.

It was always a weird feeling having legs.

You looked at yourself in the reflection of the water.

If a human would see you they surely would get a heart attack, since you were nude, but for your kind clothes were useless.

The only time you recalled wearing clothes was when your parents once brought you to a festival of the land-dwellers when you were young.

The land-dwellers didn't know how often mermaids were under them since no one knew that the merfolk had this kind of power to switch between legs and fishtails.

This festival was one of your most precious memories.

It was held on this island and a lot of land-dwellers from different parts of the region came here to celebrate with the inhabitants.

The light, the food, the singing, and the dancing.

How amazing it had been!

But the most amazing thing was the little boy you had met.

He was tiny, with eyes so green like the grass and a mop of brown hair on his head. He was so sweet and shy, yet he had the courage to ask why you looked so different than him

You first didn't get what he meant. Since when you took your two-legged form you looked perfectly human. The laughter of your parents and the whispered words of your mother still made you blush.

In land dweller's eyes the merfolk, even in their own human form, were beautiful and enchanting.

So the little boy had just found you beautiful and couldn't better say it.

You were charmed, still.

You took his tiny hand in yours and he showed you his home.

You both enjoyed the festival together. Played games, eat food, and told stories about your families, till it was time for you to return to your parents.

Even with so many people around, you couldn't stay long with the land dwellers. They would sooner or later notice that your family didn't belong to either of their clans.

That's when the little boy gave you shy a little bracelet he had made for you. You thanked him with a little kiss on the cheek, which left him paralyzed and you blushing and giggling run to your parents.

To return with them to the water.

Later when you fell asleep in the embrace of your mother, you remember you never even asked his name.

What a shame.

You stared at your reflection in the water and touched the necklace which hung between your full breasts.

It was made from the bracelet your little land dweller friend had made you. As you had grown the bracelet had become too tight for your pulse so you had turned it into a necklace.

You wonder if he still lived here?

How was he doing?

Was he married?

Had children?

Or had a dragon got to him?

You bit your lip and walked around the cove thinking.

Dragons and the merfolk were friends. The water dragons even loved to play with your people, but they did steal food from the land dwellers.

No one knew why.

It was not like you talked the tongue of the dragons.

You just know that since forever, that dragons and the merfolk were friends.

Again no one knew why.

It was just like this.

The dragons loved the merfolk and they stole food from the land dwellers.

While you were walking you found a little cave.

Oh, this would be a perfect sleeping place.

You could sleep underwater, but you wanted to stay a bit more above.

By the seven seas, once you made your decisions and had children you couldn't anymore have little adventures like this.

Best to make of the time you still had.

So you got into the cave and prepared with leafs a comfy sleeping place.

After you catched yourself some fish from the pool, and eat them, you decide to go to sleep.

The night was approaching, it was high time.

Smiling satisfied with this little sanctuary you had found for yourself, you fall asleep like a babe.

Forgetting all the worries in the world. Just enjoying the tranquility.

It didn't last long since a black dragon crashed into the cove.

So much for a relaxing sleep!

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