chapter fifteen

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NIRAGI threw his gun back on his shoulder and stepped off the ride. he held his hand out for hayami to grab. she took his hand and got off the ride.

they walked together through the carnival, and it was no longer an amusing sight. there were dead tigers, jaguars, crows, and more animals everywhere. the two got to the carousel, and hayami gasped.

the other three players and the other two militants laid there dead. hayami clasped her hand over her mouth. "oh my god," she muttered. she felt tears come to her eyes. she was not yet used to seeing people getting killed, and she didn't think she'd ever get used to it.

"what's the matter with you?" niragi asked. he looked at hayami like she was crazy. he was showing no remorse for the dead. it was kind of scary.

hayami returned him the same look. "two of them were in your group!" she exclaimed, "and now they're dead!"

niragi scoffed. "so?" he asked, chuckling, "now we have the backseat all to ourselves."

hayami was shocked. how could he be thinking of something like that right now? she kept quiet to his comment, and they continued to walk. hayami kept her eyes on whatever was in front of her, not wanting to see anything else dead, at least not that night.

they made it to the entrance and found aguni and last boss. last boss' katana was now bloody, and aguni's fists were slightly bruised.

"where's the other two?" aguni asked, crossing his arms.

niragi and hayami kept quiet, but that was enough of an answer from aguni. he nodded.

"come on now," aguni said, "we need to be heading back. we have a meeting tonight."

niragi nodded and walked to the car along with the militants. hayami was still by his side, and he was holding onto her; however, she wasn't pressed against him as much as she usually was.

niragi walked up to the car and opened the back door. he stepped to the side. "ladies first," he said.

hayami walked to the car and got in the back seat, sitting in the middle. niragi got in after her.

last boss and aguni got into their seats. last boss turned the car on and began to drive back to the beach.

as they pulled out of the amusement park and onto the main road, niragi pulled hayami closer. she tensed up at his touch, still not happy with him.

he put his finger on her jaw and turned her head towards him. hayami turned away, only for niragi to grab her jaw even tighter.

he turned her back towards him. "what's your deal?" he asked, getting irritated.

hayami looked at him. "we just saw two people dead. that's a scary thing," she said.

niragi rolled his eyes. "look, if you're gonna get all pissy and sad about two people you don't even know dying, thats an issue," he said, "you have to get used to seeing this shit, and if you don't want to see it, you might as well terminate your visa right now."

his voice was raising at the end. hayami had never been good with people raising their voice at her. even if he was right, his tone still was scary. tears were welling up in her eyes and began to roll down her cheeks.

the little bit of light shining through the windows allowed hayami and niragi to see each other pretty good. niragi looked at her and scoffed.

"don't start crying," he said, pulling her close to him again. he stroked her hair softly. "i'm sorry for raising my voice. you just have to get used to seeing people die around you. there's no other way to it."

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