chapter 2, new friend🥳

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Vance pov:
I was walking over to science but I checked my schedule and saw that I didn't have Bruce in my class, I don't even know if he is even my friend well I'm just guessing he talks to me when he is bored, that has happened to me so uts whatever honestly.

I got to science and there wasn't anyone here only some girl and a boy, i walked inside and I took a seat on one of the lonely tables in the middle of the row,  in minutes teens came over running or speed walking, I'm guessing because they were late or whatever. I looked to see there was the teacher and she was going to announce something i guess?

"Ok students so this project will be needing two partners so choose your partners and once everyone is done I will explain the rest!" Shit I don't know anyone here and I think I'm going to be the only one without a partner...

I was sitting at the desk not even bothered to tell someone if they want to be with me, who wants to be with me ??
"Hey um are you new here?" I looked up to see some kid with a bandana,short Linda wavy brown hair. How do i tell him I don't understand him! Uhh well imm have to do my very "good" English accent.

"Umm.. ugh lo siento no hablo ingles.."
I was literally so stupid what if he doesn't know Spanish??
"Oh! eres nuevo aquí?" What the fuck he can talk Spanish! FUCK YEA
"Oh si!" "oh, bueno, quieres ser mi pareja? porque no tengo una buena historia con esta gente..." "si esta bien" "Oh okay gracias, y Como te llamans?" "Vance y tu?" "Robin"

*English version!

"Umm.. ugh sorry I don't speak English.." I was literally so stupid what if he doesn't know Spanish?? "Oh! are you new here?" WHAT THE FUCK HE TALKS SPANISH? FUCK YEAA "Oh yeah!" "Oh, well, you want to be my partner because I don't have a good history with these people..." "Yeah, okay" "Oh okay, thanks, and what's your name?" "Vance and you?" "Robin"

Class then started and I was happy that someone actually understood me! I hope he can maybe teach me how to speak English..well only if he wants to be my friend! The teacher explained what we were supposed to do and well me and robin didn't really listen so we ended up burning shit and exploding stuff.. well the good thing the teacher isn't mad instead she laughed, she is actually really ! But yea we were doing something until robin put something inside of the tude and it Exploded, I started to laugh and also robin, I'm glad I was his partner.

Robin pov:
I was putting something in the tube until it basically Exploded in front of me and vance was laughing while I was also laughing but I was shocked because the random stuff went into my face. Vance isn't bad actually Amd I would like to be his friend! I wonder if he has anyone to sit with at lunch, hm imn invite him! Well unless if he wants to. Classes ended and I asked vance if he wanted to sit with me and my other friends. Gladly he agreed and followed me over to the cafeteria to see the group talking and laughing and I saw Bruce but he seemed like happy and came straight to vance, huh u wonder if he already met him.

Third pov:
Vance was nervous if robin friends were gonna like him because if they didn't they would of just kick him out infront of everyone and then no one would wanna be his friend and then they will think he is a loser and then, "Hey vance!" Vance saw who was talking to him and he was glad it was Bruce "Hola bruce!" The three went to sit down and all vance git were stares but they weren't stares of rude they were stares if confusion. But at the end vance got along well with the rest but thus had to ended in minutes because the belled ringed and everyone went into there classes while vance was still left alone in other classes without robin or Bruce, he wasn't going to like it but it only two more classes and he can head home, finally.

Vance pov:
Finally class ended and i was going to head home but then someone called my name and it was Bruce! Huh I wonder what he would want?

"Vance! Wa- wait!" "Huh oh Hola bruce!"
"H-hola? Vance! Ok look imm use a translater" "Uh oki?" Bruce was using his phone and then passed it to me and it said "would you wanna come over at my house?" I was happy because someone just invited me to there house! So would that make me his friend? Yayy
I typed down something and I saw that he also smiled and then gesture me to follow him, i hope i ain't getting kidnapped... it's Bruce he seems friendly  well my mom seems me friendly and I almost ran over someone- "vance ! Come" shit never mind! "Ya boy bruce!"

Bruce pov:
Me and vance were getting close to my house till someone pushed me and I looked up to see.. oh no it's him. NONONONONONOO. "What's a little fairy doing here wondering around?" "Cody fuck off man" "oh... is this your boyfriend? He looks trans" "I said fuck off !" "Hm nah why the fuck you leave me for this other little shit?" "Cody I don't need to tell you just fuck off" "that's not very nice brucey.." I was gonna say something but I couldn't I was speechless and afraid what he was gonna do, Cody was my ex boyfriend that turned a psycho and he was obsessed with me and I didn't know what to do, so when situation Liles this I would call robin and he would come in seconds to help me but this time it was vance and I'm sure he will stop being my friend. 

I turned to see vance and i would of thought he just ran away but then he came towards Cody and grab him by the collar, wow I wanna see this! Vance was yelling something to Cody that i didn't catch but I made sure to remember what he said so I can tell robin so then he can translate it to me. In minutes vance let go of Cody and then Cody went running and screaming "FUCKING PSYCHO!!!" I was laughing and then vance came up to me and I'm guessing he asked me if I was ok. Me and vance went inside and I said I was gonna use the bathroom and he could stay in my room until I would check if I had any scars. Luckily I only had SOME not alot tho so that's good I guess.

Vance pov:Bruce has been in the bathroom for a little too long was his cuts that bad? I need to check on him

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Vance pov:
Bruce has been in the bathroom for a little too long was his cuts that bad? I need to check on him. "Um Bruce? Estas bien?" "Huh? Oh um hold on" I didn't understand what he said all I understand was hold on. I hope he is okay. I was waiting till the door opened and there was Bruce having a bandage on his cheek and some scars, he looked tired. "Bruce tu good?" "Uhh oh! Si" I was kinda happy that Bruce knows Little what I'm saying. I told him that if he wants to be alone I can leave. "Um Bruce uhh" Oh yea I need a translater. I typed in my phone and gave it to Bruce but his face turned into a frown. He was typing and gave it to me and it said, "noo please don't leave:(" that's okay I don't have anything to do anyway! I nodded and I forgot I needed to call my mom that I was gonna be at a friend's house to hangout. I gave Bruce the phone and he nodded and showed me where the telephone was.

"Ay ma?" "Vance? hola amor donde estas?" "Estoy en casa de un amigo, está bien?" "si! Me alegro de que hayas hecho un amigo y espero conocerlos!"
"Esta bien ma gracias!" "de nada cariño adiós cuidarse!!" "Okay ma tu tabien adios" I ended the call and turned to see Bruce smiling, "momma boy?" I knew what that word meant and I flip him off. "UH EXCUSE ME!" Bruce then took me to his room and we first decided to do homework and wuth Bruce smart ass he helped me. When we finished Bruce wanted to ice cream and honestly I'm craving some to so we went to the ice cream shop to grab some.

We got there and Bruce did the talking because I have anti-social anxiety so bruce said it was alright that he could of done the talking, I was glad he understood me because many people say that my anxiety is just wanting attention or doing it for no reason! But Bruce? no he actually understood me and I was happy! Bruce asked me what favorl I wanted and I told him chocolate and I went to sit at a booth so we can eat our ice cream. Bruce came back with a chocolate ice cream and another one with vanilla. The moment Bruce gave me mine ice cream I ate that shit up and bruce was laughing because I had some on my nose. He wiped it off and kicked it, I was shocked and all he said was "hm not bad!" "BRUCE?! tu QUE?!?" He smiled and I was laughing and we both had a great time. I was happy I hanged out wuthBruce, he is really a nice person once you know him, of course I don't know him much but I will try my best to treach Bruce nice and care for him, because he was the first person to actually want to be my friend.


1710 WORDS TOGTHER!!😋🍿‼️🥳

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