chapter 8, im sorry for your loss..

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(Btw the sleepover has passed now this is present)

today another day of school another day of boredom, as I watched the clock move it shows 2:30 which means class was going to end in 10 minutes so Yaya!..
That was until the door opened and a woman with brownish hair and was talking to the teacher and her facial expression changed immediately but she turned to face me and told me to come up. I walked I up with stares around me, the woman speaked Spanish so she explained why she needed me.

She explained something I Never wanted to hear. She said my mom was at the hospital for overdose on pills and might not make it. My whole life has turned apart when I heard that. I was particularly yelling where and what hospital so she took me with her in her car to see some hospital that I never seen before. Next thing I know I saw my mom on a bed and I didn't know I she was fucking breathing or not because none of the fucking dumbfuck nurses didn't tell me how my mom is doing!

I'm scared I don't want to lose someone I love even tho she hasn't been the greatest this past few days but she is my mother, the one who didn't give up on me and loved me with her whole heart. I would do anything to make her better I hope she is okay..

Hours have passed and I Still haven't seen my mom and I'm worried as fuck.. I can't lose her! She is the only reason why I'm even in this fucking stupid place, I miss her. Then the door opened and it was the doctor.. thank God finally! I could see my mom- "um you must be Mr hopper? Mrs hopper son?" "Uhhh si?" "Mr hopper... I-" "que??" "Lo Siento tu pérdida..." "QUE! ¡DÓNDE ESTÁ MI MAMÁ PERRA!"

I tried to push him out of my way but I got held by cops and i was crying, I pushed them off and went to any rooms I saw in my sight until I came across one that I felt I was going to fall any movement.. there she was, my mom laying on the bed.. she looked really pale! I couldn't stop staring until the cops came and took me back home, I knew who made her do this.. let's just say I might end up in jail and my murder strike might go up to a 9.
Watch out, I'm coming for you Mike..


500 WORDS TOGTHER🥳🥴😽⁉️😜😻🤩😻😘🤠🤪😊🤪😊😋🤑😗😗😊😝💁‍♂️😝🥰😣😗🥰😖😣😋💘🤷‍♂️😍🤠🍿😰🥰🤠🤭

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