chapter 3 skater💘

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Vance pov:
I woke up on the floor and my legs on my bed, including a head ach that I don't remember but whatever. I got up and went over to my closet to choose what I was gonna wear today, not like it matter but still. I finished changing and doing my other stuff that I do everyday morning I went over to the living room to find a note saying:

"Vance, voy a llegar tarde a casa por los turnos de noche en el trabajo, así que si quieres, puedes pasar la noche en la casa de tu amigo o lo que quieras.

Con amor, tu madre perra💗

(English version)
"Vance I am going to come home late because of night shifts at work so if you want you can stay the night at your friend's house or whatever you want!

Love, your mother bitch💗

I laughed a little what the note said but i was kinda disappointed because i wanted to hang with my mom, but I couldn't and I had to accept it.

I forgot I had so I picked up my backpack including my skateboard and headed off to school. While I was riding my skateboard I was thinking what time it was and santa mierda I was gonna be late. Thank God I arrived in time but had to run quickly in a table so the teacher doesn't see I came running here.
I came across Bruce so I sat next to him and he smiled and waved. If om being honest.. well actually never mind I hope this is just a phase well for now.

Bruce pov:
I sat in my desk of boredom until the door opened and there came in vance who looked liked if he ran all the way here. I waved over and he came to sit next to me. "Ho- Hola?¿ vance!" I sucked at the accent I made and I sounded like a no Sado kid. "Hola hermoso!" What did that mean? It's ok I can ask robin later or maybe finney if he knows??

Class started and i was bored as fuck! I was kinda hungry and I was holding my stomach because it started to hurt and burn. I'm guessing vance saw me or I don't know but I didn't care right now, what I care is that I need something to eat like RIGHT NOW!! I'm starving..
"oye bruce? Quieres mis galletas?"
He then pointed at some cookies that looked so bomb and so I shaked my head into a yes and he gave me them, I will thank him forever right now because how hungry I am like RIGHT NOW.

(A few classes later...)

Vance pov:

Finally school ended and I was going to skate back home but then got stopped by someone and when i turned around it was robin. "hola vance! como estas hermano?" I smiled because I remember he understands me like actually.
"nada amigo y tu?" He shooked his head and then he saw my skateboard and was shocked. "patinas?" "Si!" Robin face expression was so noticeable because his face was into an amazed face, maybe he would of never thought I skated?
Robin said he had to give and we both said our goodbyes and I was going Home while skating, I remember I was gonna get snacks so I decided to head over to a store called GRAB-IN-GO with huge letter and neon sigh. I went inside and spotted a face that looked someone I knew... oh no it's him, when I mean him I mean my father.



640 words together 😋😨🤧🏳️‍🌈

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