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"Krista Maro!"
I walk up to the podium, in my white cap and silk gown. The crowd behind me roars with screams and applause. I accept my diploma with a big smile. This is it. This is the first day of the rest of my life. I notice his parents sitting with mine. I can tell it's a bittersweet moment for them. They should be watching their son come up on this stage, in a purple silk gown. We would have had the graduation party together. I know that I should be thinking happy thoughts right now, but all I can think about is him. Cole. As I'm walking off stage, I glance once more into the audience. I swear I saw him. I told myself it was impossible. My heart skipped a beat at that moment.
I walked back over to where my parents, Cole's parents, and Alex and Carla were waiting for me. I was pulled into a giant group hug.
Alex could tell that i had gotten spooked, and if he didn't help me soon, I would burst out with tears of sadness and ugly sobs. He pulls me aside and whispers, "Kris, are you okay?" I can feel the tears swell up in my eyes, and gently shake my head no. I feel his arms wrap around me. "Shh... it's going to be all right."
I take a deep breath.
It's not helpful that today makes 4 years since Cole passed away. Four whole years. I know it's a tuff day for Carla too.
I push my thoughts aside, and go back to the group with Alex's hand in mine.

Where Will This Lead Me?//book 2Where stories live. Discover now