Not Again

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When we got to her place, I couldn't hold it in anymore. We pulled in her driveway and i burst out crying. "I'll be right back... i promise" she said. She ran out of the car into her house, and came back with a box of tissues and two spoons. "He's going to be home any minute" she says as she buckles her seat belt and hands the items to me. I don't ask questions and I just let her drive. Once we are on the highway, I ask her where are we going. "Well, talk to me about all the shit that happend, pop open the ice cream, and when you're done with that, we'll be at our destination." I follow her directions and spill out everything to her. No more tears come out though... and I suddenly feel no emotion. She's eating more ice cream than me, because I do not feel as if ice cream will help my situation. When I mention Egan, she almost slams on the breaks, but she doesn't. "EGAN! HOW DOES HE KNOW... egan." By the end of her sentence, she seems confused at herself.
A few tears later, I look up and realize that we're pulling into the parking lot of Water Mall.
I look at her as she shifts the car into park.
"Shopping?" She says with a smile.
"Sure" I say "but I don't have any money..."
"It's on me." She says.
I give her a hug and say thanks.
As we're leaving Aéropostale, we decide to take a break and grab something to eat. We pick Newport Creamery and I order a chicken and cheese quesidia.
Then for dessert, I order they're famous Awful Awful. Carla gets one too. Before they come, I tell her that I need to use the bathroom and get up and go. On my way to the bathroom, I notice someone sitting at a booth, two people. This cant happen again. Her laugh pierces through my ears. His smile seems too bright. I can't walk pass them, so i turn around, grab my drink, throw a $5 on the counter and walk out. I'm shaking when Carla catches up to me and asks me what happened.
"I-i saw them..."
"Them" I say pointing to the two people walking towards us. She lockes eyes with me and I want to run to her and push her to the ground. But I dont and just walk away.
"Come on Carla, this can't happen again."

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