Chapter 3: Godric's Hollow

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As the Dark Lord dramatically made his way to Godric's Hollow, Lillian was preparing for her Lord's arrival.

Soon after she got ready she heard Potter yell,

"Lily he's here take Charles upstairs I'll hold him off!"

Lillian almost laughed at how Potter thought he could take on her Lord without his wand. She was almost surprised at his arrogance however her train of thought was broken when she heard a crash downstairs.

Back downstairs

"Going to fight me like a filthy muggle Potter"
The Dark Lord sneered at the lack of sense in this filthy blood-traitor.

"Please just leave my child alone take me but don't kill Lily and my child."
He pleaded.

Lord Voldemort grew angry at the fact he said child when he knew full well there were two children in the cottage like house.

In a fit of pure rage he let out a blast of raw magic which blasted the Potter Lord in to a wall knocking him unconscious.
He went upstairs and with a well placed bombarda blew open the door and walked in to find Lillian kneeling waiting for him not even paying attention to the cut on her cheek from the pieces of wood that flew in every direction when the door flew off its hinges.

Voldemort quickly went to her in a speed people would have thought it was a sprint. Despite what many might think, the Dark Lord treats his elite as family even allowing them to call him by his given name.

Now back to the room, he quickly healed her all the while looking for any other injuries.

"Why in Morgana's name did you not raise a shield?!"

"I had no need Tom."

He sighs but is elated with the amount of trust she puts in him.
He goes over to check on Lyra but stops when he heard Lillian say
"She has a protective barrier around her do not worry Tom"

He lets out a sigh of relief. Suddenly he cringed remembering why he was there.

"I have to stun you now"

"Go ahead, I will be fine do not worry my Lord do what you have to"


He looks regretfully at her now limp body however he can still see the slight rise and fall of her chest and knows she is alright.

He shakes his head then goes to the bigger of the two cots, and pointed his wand at the Potter spawn and instead of saying the killing curse he performed a complicated ritual to make it seem like the boy had defeated him as well as making it seem like he had accidentally turned him into a horcrux as that was no doubt what Dumbledore expected to happen. After he was done he sent a guilt filled look towards Lyra and Lillian but eventually left as he heard the aurors and Dumbledore enter the house.

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