Chapter 2

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Bangkok, 8:44

Pete rushes from the subway station to the office. Even though it's early in the morning, it's already over 20°C in Thailand's capital.

For the first time in his two years with the Theerapanyakun family, he has overslept and is late for work. Despite Pete's late arrival, he is confident that he will arrive before his boss. The night before, Tankhun has dragged Pete and his other assistant Pol to one of the most exclusive parties in town to admire his latest designs on Bangkok's high society. And, of course, to be admired by them.

He rushes into the office building where the cold air of the air conditioning system blows into his face. The white shirt already starts to stick slightly on Pete's sweaty torso. He is out of breath from the short sprint. Running had never been Pete's favorite activity and after his long days at work he has no motivation for exhausting cadio sessions.

He hurries quickly through the lobby toward the elevators. A sharp voice snaps him out of his thoughts.


He looks around in confusion. The voice belongs to Yok, the receptionist. She waves Pete to come over to her.

"Pete. Good you're finally here." she says in an amused tone.

Pete throws her an apologetic smile.

"This is Prosche. He's Kuhn Kinn's new assistant." she points to the young man next to her. "Unfortunately, I can't reach anyone from Kuhn Kinn's team. Please take him with you upstairs and show him around until the others arrive."

Pete turnes to said newcomer and lookes into the beaming face of one of the most beautiful men he has ever seen.

Besides his engaging smile and almost gold shiny tain, Porsche's nicely toned body made him fit in well.

"Hello Pete, nice to meet you. I'm Porsche.", he said with a big grin.

The beauty of this man irritates Pete for a brief moment. Pete can already see Porsche's future in his mind. Porsche is exactly Kinn's and Vegas's type. Oh, who was Pete kidding. Porsche is his type as well. He is probably everyone's type, male or female.

"Hey Porsche. It's nice to meet you too. Come with me, I'll show you around for a while.", Pete replied in a friendly manner once he got his mind off Porsche's looks again.

As he and Porsche make their way inside the building, he turns to Yok one more time. She winks at him and gives him a knowing look. They are both aware of what the next few weeks will look like for Porsche at the company.

Their first stop on the tour is the fitness area in the basement of the building. The well-equipped gym was already impressive to Porsche but Pete sees his eyes light up at the sight of the pool.

"Oh Pete, how cool is that!!? You guys have a pool as well?!? I already love working here!",Porsche enthused. "Let's go swimming together after work Pete. Let's do it tomorrow."

"Oh no, Porsche. I'd rather not." Pete hesitates. No way would he be showing himself in front of someone as good looking as Porsche in swim shorts.

"Come on Pete, please please please. We're going to have so much fun.", Porsche begs while putting his arm around Pete's shoulder.

Pete blushes slightly. He is not used to physical contact from colleagues, especially new colleagues.

Pete looks into Porsche's pouty face. With those beautiful brown eyes, Porsche could convince anyone of anything. Pete is sure about that.

"Yeah, okay. Tomorrow we'll go swimming together.", Pete agrees under his breath. Porsche begins to grin, visibly pleased with his persuasion.

The next stop on his tour takes Pete to the top floor. Where the cousins' offices are located.

"Here is the office of Tankhuns Theerapanyakun. He runs the fashion department of the company. He's my boss. And over there," Pete pointed at a desk, "is where I work. And over there is..."

"Hey Pete," Pete is interrupted. He knows exactly who this voice belongs to. "Who's your friend? You should introduce us.", Vegas demands Pete.

"Ah, Khun Vegas. Of course. This is Porsche.", Pete says, pointing to the newcomer. "I'm showing him around right now. He's Kuhn Kinn's new assistant." Pete explains.

"Porsche, nice to meet you. I'm Vegas and I'm one of the heads of departments here.", Veags introduces himself and shakes Porsche's hand. He has a pleased grin on his face and his eyes sparkle with delight. Pete already knows that look and it's meaning. Vegas has found its new target. Pete knows that from now on he will do everything in his power to win over Porsche.

"I look forward to working with you in the future. I'm sure you'll like it here with us." Vegas says, placing his hand on Porsche's upper arm for a brief moment.

"Thanks Kuhn Vegas." Porsche says and flashes Vegas a big smile before he says goodbye to the two of them. Pete is already rolling his eyes on the inside. He knows that the game has started again.


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