Chapter 10

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The next day at work is hell for Pete. Tankhun's new collection is about to come out and besides Pete's normal work schedule, he tries to avoid Porsche and Kinn the entire day.

Luckily, Tankhun seems to understand Pete without words and sends him across half of Bankok to run errands. Of course, he doesn't forget to regularly compliment Pete and send him motivational messages and cute animal videos.

Even though Tankhun is often exhausting with his extroverted nature, Pete is grateful to have a boss like him on days like these.

In the evening, Pete decides that he's had enough of moping around and doesn't want to spend another evening eating fast food in front of the TV. So after work, he briefly freshens up in his apartment and picks out a new outfit. He decides to wear the outfit that he wore on Friday evening in the club with a colleague.

So in the evening twilight he makes his way to his favorite BDSM club.

Nervously, Pete wanders through the club to get an overview. Last time Pete was here was 14 months ago. At that time he was with his former Dom. A pretty petite woman named Loraine. She and Pete never had a traditional relationship, yet her departure a few months ago saddened him and since she left, Pete has missed their sessions together.

Slowly, Pete makes his way to the bar. He hopes a few drinks will give him the necessary courage for tonight.

Immediately as Pete drops onto the barstool, the bartender sets a glass of whiskey in front of him. The young attractive man gives Pete a smile and winks at him.

"That drink is from the gentleman over there," he says before nodding in the direction of another guest.

Surprised, Pete looks around in an attempt to find out who his sponsor is and to thank him. But his breath is caught when he catches sight of the man.

"Hello Pete," says the man across from Pete, " This is how we meet again. I was looking for you everywhere in the office this morning, but it seemed like you'd disappeared . What a shame, your smile usually brightens my workday."

Pete blushes instantly. He can't remember ever receiving a compliment from Vegas and getting it in this environment intimidates him a bit.

" Khun Vegas," Pete stammers, "what a surprise. I didn't know you frequented this club too."

"I don't come here often Pete. I rarely find a sub that I like," Vegas boozes, "But something tells me I'm in luck today."

With that last sentence, he puts his hand on Pete's shoulder.

A hot shiver runs through Pete's body. Vegas smell hits his nostrils and blurs his mind. Quickly, he reaches for his wiskey and drinks half the glass in a single shot.

"'Well, I wish you good luck with your search Khun Vegas,'" Pete says with a fake grin. He hopes that he can escape the situation as soon as possible and Vegas will look for a new victim. Pete would like to run out of the club immediately. He wonders why he has the unfortunate luck to meet his boss's cousin in such an establishment.

"You know, Pete, I don't think I need to keep searching. I think I already found what I was looking for," Vegas states and winks at Pete. He takes a sip of his own drink before setting it down on the bar.

"I'm not sure I can follow you Khun Vegas. I don't know what you mean," Pete tries to wiggle out of the situation. And in fact, he can't believe what Vegas is trying to say. Pete can't imagine why Vegas suddenly seems to be interested in him. Is it because Porsche has already chosen Kinn? Or is it because Vegas can't find another option this night? Or maybe Vegas wants to get even with Pete for kissing Porsche at the club? Or maybe Tankhun pissed Vegas off and he's trying to get back at him through Pete?

Pete can't understand Vegas. Maybe he doesn't actually mean Pete, and he's misinterpreting the hint.

Before Pete can think further, Vegas closes the gap between them and presses Pete against the bar with his body.

"Don't play dumb Pete. We both know exactly what I mean. I want you to be my sub. Be mine Pete. Just for one session, you have no obligations. I promise you won't regret it. Give in to your desire," Vegas whispers in Pete's ear. Vegas hot breath on his neck gives Pete goosebumps.

Even though Pete didn't think it was possible, at this moment he could swear he's blushing even more than before.

Vegas, meanwhile, slides his hand down Pete's body and slowly pushes his hand into the back pocket of Pete's pants.

"Here's the key card to my private room. Think about it.", Vegas whispers before placing a light kiss on Pete's neck.

Just as Pete is about to weaken and lean into Vegas' body to give himself to him, Vegas takes a step back.

Pete unwillingly acknowledges the lack of heat.

Vegas takes his glass from the counter before turning to leave. He turns around once more to give Pete that one special smile. Pete can understand why all the men are rooting for Vegas.

Still dizzy, Pete drops onto his stool.

He stares in front of him for minutes, trying to make a decision. His mind wanders to the events of the last few days and to the situation with Porsche and Kinn. And for the first time, Pete decides not to think about consequences and gives in to his desire.

Determined, he empties the wiskey glass in one shot and makes his way to Vegas room.

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