Chapter 7

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After meeting Macau, Pete had thought that his day would turn out to be good after all.

But in the afternoon he realized that his assumption was wrong.

After running through half of the city to pick up new fabrics for his boss's new collection, he is now standing in front of Tankhun's office door, slightly out of breath.

The door is only half-closed, so he can eavesdrop the conversation inside the office. Vegas and Tankhun are inside the office. Obviously, their conversation is about Pete.

He knows it's not polite to eavesdrop on other people, let alone his boss, but his curiosity gets the better of him.

"Vegas, what was the deal with Pete and Kinn this morning? Do you two maniacs go after him now? I thought you were both trying to lay Kinn's handsome new assistant at the moment," Tankhun wonders. As usual, his tone is both curious and contemptuous.

"We were just having a conversation with him. So you can calm down, no need to play watchdog. Pete's an adult and can certainly take care of himself," Vegas assures him. He seems annoyed by the conversation and obviously wants to end it as soon as possible.

"Whatever. I've told you a thousand times: stay away from my Pete!", Tankhun warns his cousin. It's the same threat he made earlier in the morning against Vegas and Kinn. But Vegas, like with most of the things Tankhun throws at him, is unimpressed.

"Tankuh, we have this conversation at least once a month and every time you see any kind of interaction between me and Pete. And every time the answer is the same: I have no intention of starting anything with Pete. It was just an innocent conversation," Vegas assures. Pete is surprised that the two cousins have this conversation regularly. To him, it's more than obvious that Vegas is not interested in Pete at all.

"Who can blame me?" asks Tankhun outraged, "I think you need a regular reminder so you won't forget to keep little Vegas in your pants." Pete can only imagine how much strength it must take Vegas to continue having this conversation with his cousin.

"First, I can assure you that 'little Vegas' is not little at all!" hisses Vegas, "and second, you don't have to worry. I have no interest in Pete." Although Pete was aware of this before, Vegas' statement makes him feel a little stab in the heart. Of course, he didn't expect someone like Vegas to be interested in him. But hearing it from Vegas himself, especially after Pete's dirty dreams of the last few days, hurts him. Pete is about to turn around and leave before the two cousins notice him. But then Tankhun asks a question that makes Pete's suffering even worse. But even at that moment, he can't bring himself to just walk away.

"Oh yeah, and why not? What's wrong with my Pete?", Tankuh wants to know. Pete knows exactly what is wrong with him. He is uninteresting, not attractive enough and too fat. It's always been that way, and it probably always will be. Pete is sure that he will never attract the attention of a man like Vegas.

"Of course there isn't. There's nothing wrong with Pete. He's a great guy...He's just not my type," Vegas clarifies. Pete can't listen to the conversation any longer in order to not destroy the last bit of his self-esteem.

"Oh yeah and what's your type Vegas? Besides the men who belong to Kinn?", these are the last words Pete hears. Fighting back tears, he makes his way back to his desk.

Porsche's beaming smile appears in front of Pete's face and snaps him out of his thoughts. Porsche's smile immediately fades when he sees Pete's sad face.

"Hey, sweetie. What's wrong?", Porsche asks him. You can hear the concern in his voice.

"It's nothing. I just had a bad day," Pete tries to reassure Porsche. He hates to see Porsche worried like this.

"What can I do to cheer you up?" asks Porsche. While doing that, he takes Pete in his arms and squeezes him tightly. This morning Pete was uncomfortable with the touch, but at this moment Porsche's embrace has a calming effect on him. He feels safe in Porsche's arm.

"I have an idea," Porsche says. First he brushes a lock of hair out of Pete's face before placing his hand on Pete's chubby cheek and gently brushing them.

For a moment, Pete suspects that Porsche wants to kiss him to cheer him up, but he doesn't make any attempt to get closer to Pete with his lips.

"Let's go out tomorrow night. We'll get all dressed up, with hot outfits and lots of alcohol. And then we'll go to a fancy club and dance until you forget your bad thoughts," Porsche suggests. Before Pete has a chance to answer, the door of Tankhun's office is yanked open.

"... Stay out of my business! What I do and who I do it with is none of your business! Mind your own fucking business," Vegas barks at his cousin as he storms out of the room. Tankhun follows him, obviously not willing to end the argument yet. But when the two catch sight of Porsche and Pete, they fall silent.

"What's going on here?" asks Tankhun, looking at the two hugging assistants. Slowly, Porsche pulls away from Pete.

"Nothing at all," Porsche assures him. Vegas skeptically watches the situation.

"We were just talking about going to a club together tomorrow night," Porsche adds. Instantly, Tankhun's facial expression changes. Now there is a bright smile where just a few seconds ago there was murderous lust.

"A party. Oh how wonderful. I love parties. Of course I'll come along. Oh how exciting!" gushes Tankuhn. He is like an excited child.

"Kinn!" he calls to his passing brother, " Will you come with me to a club tomorrow night to dance?" Kinn stops for a second and looks at his brother for a brief moment, confused.

"No, thanks. I'll pass Kuhn." says Kinn, turning away to leave. Pete can see the disappointment on his boss's face. But it is short-lived before Vegas speaks up.

"Don't worry Kinn, we'll have a great time without you. I'll take good care of your assistant," Vegas exclaims. Knowing full well that Kinn has heard him.

It is needless to say that a few moments later Kinn decides to accompany them at the club.

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