Chapter 1 - And We All Have a Hell

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Revised A/N, August 2016

Updates are going to be every weekend, folks, unless for some reason I can't post :) Enjoy!



I had a pretty decent response from the prologue, so I'm going to go ahead and post chapter 1.

Also, if you're someone who actually reads the lyrics, be warned: these are pretty graphic.

Lucy xX


Every day gets worse
Locked in a vice my thoughts perverse
You must wonder why I look at you that way (that way)
Tonight I'll make my way into your house
I must; I'm lusting for your body
Skin looks tight, think I just might have
To take a bite, but I know one will turn
To three or four or more my little wh0re.

Tonight, tonight she's not alone
(Can you taste the wicked in the room?)
Bobbysoxer, so pure, so young
By morning her soul will be gone, gone.

I did a beautiful thing,
Relax baby, that's a good girl
You're like my work of art
I can control, I can contort any
Position that I wish,
I make my fantasy reality
Hold still, it will be over soon

And We All Have a Hell ~ From First to Last


Bella Swan, 2020

Events: 2014

I was completely and utterly ready to move away from the minuscule town of Forks, Washington, that day five years ago. Once upon a time, I'd been forever grateful to have a fixed home for a few years after darting from state to state with my floaty mother, but now, after all that had happened to me in the last two months, I was ready to move away again.

Eight weeks before I decided to move, I'd been walking home late from a friend's house, when I found myself being grabbed by two men, neither of whom I could actually see clearly due to the dark streets at the time. They were obviously drunk, and, for about fifteen seconds, I thought I'd gotten away from them when I wrenched my arms out of their grip and started walking away.

But then they pulled me back, and ripped my coat off me. I had no idea what they did with it, but it was never found. They ripped my pride from me in a matter of minutes, forcing me and my body into any position they wished as I felt agony rip through my body at every movement they made. My mind flew to the pits of hell.

They left me in the streets - bleeding and naked, save for the scraps of my clothes they threw over me - to die. I wanted to die, and I undoubtedly would have done so if it weren't for Carlisle Cullen, the kindly doctor living in our town, who saw me in the streets and saved my life by bringing me to the hospital and treating me. To this day, he remains the kindest person I know.

I found myself unable to stay calm around men I didn't know who reminded me in any way of those men that had attacked me. Even when I saw my boyfriend, Mike Newton, for the first time after the attack, I'd flinched away from him, hurting him more than I ever wanted to. I'd been horrified at my actions, and hated myself for them.

That attack had left permanent physical scars, however. I knew that the pain I was in would leave in a few weeks, and it did. I knew that the psychological effects would get better as time went on, but I wasn't prepared in any way for Dr Cullen to tell me that after the attack, I had less than a ten percent chance of ever being able to carry a child without harming myself or having a miscarriage. As a young woman in her early twenties, I was devastated, though children had never really been something I'd thought about.

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