Chapter 10 - Distance

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The sun is filling up the room
And I can hear you dreaming
Do you feel the way I do right now?
I wish we would just give up
Cause the best part is falling
Call it anything but love

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say, "I love you," when you're not listening
And how long can we keep this up, up, up?

Please don't stand so close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now
I give you everything I am
All my broken heart beats
Until I know you'll understand

Distance ~ Christina Perri


A/N (2016)

So, all this content is now new. Anyone who was reading before, lots of new plot ahead! Enjoy this midweek update, and I'll see you lovely lot on Saturday :)

(Side note: I adore this song)

Lucy xXx


Bella (Swan), 2020

Events: 2014

It was once again down to Rose and Jacob that I found myself attending some party at a club - this one organised by one of Rose's regular customers - that we'd all been invited to. Quite why this person was inviting hundreds of people she didn't know was beyond me, and that put me off going. Rose's biggest argument, when I'd told her that I would probably pass, was that Edward was going, too. She most definitely knew that I had a crush on Mr Rochester, and apparently, he had one on me, too. Of course. Why would Edward want to go out with me? I was broken, he knew it, and as he'd said to me several times, he wasn't looking to get involved.

Frankly, neither was I.

(Jasper agrees that my healing process was convoluted. But both he and Jasper think that this - writing my darkest moments - will help. I'm not sure yet. And I'm not ready for him to read it all. But he will. I know he will.)

I didn't enjoy spending an hour at Rose's house with her and Vanessa as she twirled my hair and put make-up on me and played what Emmett so accurately named 'Barbie Bella'. Rose had forced me to come out with her the weekend before to buy a dress to wear, and that had to have been the most painful shopping trip known to mankind.

It had been agreed that the whole 'gang', as Emmett called us, would meet up at the McCartys' house, and that we'd go in Emmett's freaking enormous Jeep. Jasper was being, and I quote, a miserable git (so-called by Jacob) and had refused to come after his breakup with Alice. Needless to say, Alice wasn't coming either.

Edward arrived just as Rose finished dolling me up, but she refused to let me go down until she and Vanessa had finished. God, I hated that woman sometimes. When I didn't love her to pieces. About five minutes after he arrived, Edward knocked on Rose's door and demanded she release me from her prison. We all laughed at that.

"Thanks for the rescue, sir knight," I said as Rose let me go, albeit a bit reluctantly.

Edward looked what could only be described as delicious in a light blue button-down shirt and a pair of grey slacks, his bronze hair beautifully dishevelled. I found my voice faltering slightly as I spoke, and Edward and I just stared at each other for a few seconds. I felt a blush rise up my cheeks at Edward's pointed attention, and Edward cleared his throat, looking back up to my face. I noticed that he too was blushing slightly.

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