Have I rushed her?/ Mrs Belikova/ Wedding night an early night?

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By the time came for the certificates to be signed, someone had managed to print out altered ones. Rose and I grinned broadly at each other as we signed. I could see so much love, happiness and relief in her expression. In her eyes but, I found the tiniest bit of fear, fear for our future, of being married at barely 21... of her mother's reaction. I didn't blame her one bit, this wasn't what she'd travelled all the way to Russia for. The last thing I wanted right now was for her to feel like I'd rushed her into something she didn't feel ready for. Too late now. But as I looked at her, all my worry about that washed away at the sight of her joy and anticipation.

"I didn't rush you, did I?" I asked in concern and fear as we were driven from the church to the reception. Lissa had taken Giana in another car.
Rose shook her head. "If you'd asked me four years ago while I was still pregnant if I'd get married at 21 and be completely overjoyed, I would have likely cussed you out. But after raising Giana for three years without you, I really am overjoyed. Maybe a little scared of the unknown, but I'm certain we'll work through whatever comes our way. If only for Giana's sake."
I smiled before kissing her. "Like her mother, she can work a crowd," I chuckled. "And yes, we will work it all out. Oh, and Roza, just because you're not in white doesn't mean you're not breathtaking and angelic. You've always looked as stunningly beautiful as a bride in white in my eyes, my love."
She looked at me, absolutely stunned. "A-always?"
I smiled and nodded. "Always. Why do you think that charm made me confess your beauty hurts me?"
"Dimitri Belikov, I love you." She shook her head and kissed me.
"I love you too Mrs Belikova," I murmured against her lips.
"I can't believe I just took your name, no hyphenation, no questions asked, I just took it from you," Rose groaned.
"I can, Mrs Belikova," I teased. "I can. I always knew if, against all odds, I got you to the alter you'd take Belikova only."
"How early did you start fantasising marrying me?" she glared teasingly.
I flashed back to meeting her in Portland and with that I knew my answer. "Emotionally, subconsciously, right from Portland. In general, consciously, purposely, straight after the cabin. When I decided we'd find a work-around, when it came to me, I knew then I wanted you as my wife at some point in the future."
"I was seventeen," she said in shock and surprise.
"And I got you pregnant with our world's most beautiful and unique baby girl. I am going to get another when you're ready, aren't I, Roza?"
"Maybe. We'll see. Are we going on a honeymoon?" she commented suggestively and I swallowed.
"Yes, there is a non-refundable booking." My voice was incredibly husky as I spoke.

I suddenly just wanted to skip the reception and take Roza straight up to the honeymoon suite booked at the same location as the reception. God, I had missed her so much and I suddenly felt normal and stable again with her right here, as my wife no less.

"In that case," Roza purred, suggestive and seductive face and all in play as I opened her car door at the hotel, offering my hand to help her out.
"Leave Giana with Lissa," I begged.
She considered for five seconds before she nodded with a decisive and impatient pout. Not even bothering with her phone or stopping by the room the reception was being held in she led me straight into the main foyer. I chuckled at her total change in demeanour from yesterday to today, even from this morning to now.

Was that it all it had taken? Was marrying her and honestly vowing before god to be hers, to make it up to her and to be a family all it had taken to get her back? 'Cause it was her saying yes and I Do that had completely changed the way I felt, all it had taken for me to be the happiest man alive right now.

I led her to the hotel's reception desk.
"Yes, Sir?" asked the reception lady.
"Dimitri Belikov, I have a honeymoon suite booked for the next ten nights." I officially had another 13 days off and we- me not Tasha, in all reality- had decided to have her and I in separate rooms before the ceremony then a honeymoon suite. Now I was more than glad I'd asserted my desires and had been the one to hold the room.
Recognition flashed in her eyes. "I'll get your key now, Sir."
"Thank you."
Rose giggled from beside me and snuggled into my side.
"Here you are. Congratulations Mr Belikov and Mrs Belikova," the confused but non-judgemental and seemingly knowing receptionist sincerely farewelled. Leaving Roza blushing and smiling in a sappy way I'd never seen before. I guess that new title was going to take a while for her to adjust to, clearly.

The things I did to her, I thought in amusement as we stepped into the lift. "I love you, Mrs Guardian Rosemarie Belikova," I breathed into her ear lovingly as I held her by her waist as close to me as possible. "I truly do, Roza."
"Two titles? Really, husband? Couldn't you have just gone with wife?" she teased before bringing my lips to hers.
"No," I murmured and tugged her out of the lift now it was on the twelfth floor, where our room was. "No, I couldn't have, dearest wife, because one title doesn't accurately enough describe the woman I love with all my being for all eternity."

She was turning me sappy again, completely and utterly extinguishing my coherent speech capacities. My love for Rose Hathaway would never be something I could truly convey to her, with words or with actions.

I swiped open our door and scooped my wife up into a cradle and carried her across the threshold. She giggled, "I never thought we'd get this day." I set her on her feet and kissed her before she could speak again.
"I love you, Roza," I whispered against her neck and unzipped her gorgeous gown. She'd outshine Tasha even in pyjamas with bed hair... especially if it was sex hair I'd given her. "I love you. Thank you, so much." She stepped out of the dress as I looked at her as though she was my saviour, and she truly was. "You saved me today, Roza. Thank you. Oh, and honey, you've only once looked sexier and more beautiful than you do now in that bra and undies set with those silver heels."
Recognition flashed in her features and she blushed before turning up the charm and self-confidence. I completely lost it with that flirting. Flirting was something we'd never done, something we'd never had to, nor was it something we could have afford way back when.

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