Chapter 1: A second chance

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A/N: New book!! With Ace back! :D
I love Ace. And to be honest, who doesn't?
This will include romance between Ace and Deuce in the future chapters.
I hope you like this one~
I'm not planning on making this too long, the longest might be 10 parts?
Welp, I don't know :D



It was cold.
Very cold, despite being made of fire.
Ace was certain he hasn't felt this cold since his childhood. Actually, even then, it wasn't this cold.
In here, the complete darkness, all he felt was freezing cold.
Nothing else.
Everything else was blank.
Is he.. dead?
The last thing he remembers is shielding his little brother and telling him his last words...
Thank you for loving me.
He should be dead.
As if it was a confirmation, the uncomfortable and very hurtful feeling of his flesh burning, something, a fist, tearing apart him from both outside and inside came to him.
It hurt so much, so so much and it was the second time he was feeling this.
But ignoring that, he hoped Luffy is okay. Poor lil' one saw Ace die in front of him in that state Ace would've never wanted him to see.
But back to the darkness..
What's even happening?
Maybe.. maybe he can escape this?

It was the only thing to do so. In the complete and utter darkness, Ace tried taking a step forward. But it wasn't the best choice as it seems, because the moment he did, he found himself falling into the darkness. Into something unexpected. Something.. not from this world. He wasn't sure if even New World would be capable of something like this. This is out of league. Very different and concerning. Why is Ace here? Why isn't he dead? He was still breathing fine. His heart was beating normally. He was alive and kicking, literally. Did he not die then? How is that possible?

Finally, there was something seen below. Light. It was light in the darkness that Ace saw. Pulled out of his thoughts, Ace focused on the light, narrowing his eyes to try and see more. But he couldn't. It was a free fall into something he didn't know. Ah.. maybe this is how death is? Feeling the wind blow on him from the fall, he readied himself for whatever was waiting him there. Maybe the light was a mislead? Maybe his worst nightmare was waiting him down there? But.. hadn't it already happened? That Sengoku bastard.. He'd told everyone, the world about his.. parentage. Fuck.. And still none of them backed up. Not even one. They all faced the entire world.. all for him. Ace quickly wiped away the tears that were gathering up in his eyes, and noticed he was getting closer and closer, even if nothing was seen in the brightness. The light had taken most of the darkness by now, and in no time, it was white all he saw. But this wasn't stable as the darkness one, it became more and more bright every second, to the point he couldn't open his eyes. When he reached that point, everything stopped. His falling stopped, he no longer felt the wind and slowly, securely Ace opened his eyes-

To be met with a wonderful baby blue sky, the eye-hurting brightness of the sun and relaxing sounds of water hitting against wood. The semi-cold breeze of ocean wind blowing against him. The smell of the beautiful sea that he missed so much.

For a while, Ace just stood there, laying on his back and watching the sky. It was the real sky, alright. Didn't feel like a dream or anything. He could smell the ocean, feel the waves hitting against wood. This was a boat. He was alone. Didn't notice anyone around. But this is surely a joke or something? Surely it can't be right, he died back therein Marineford?? There must be something wrong. Slowly he sat up, and searched his surroundings. This.. He was in the middle of the ocean, on a little boat. The same boat he'd used when sailing away from the Dawn island to become a pirate. He then examined himself, remembering and feeling the pain of Akainu's magma. But.. Ace was perfectly fine. And.. Was he actually young? Younger, he meant. He was young when he'd died, or well, he should have died, but this body.. It was his, Ace knew it. But younger. Was he somehow.. in the body of his seventeen year old self? How's that even possible?

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