Chapter 6: Protect and Plan

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Ace couldn't be more happy. Couldn't believe he was with his family again. How many months has it been since he last hugged his family? His father? How long has he been yearning for their love? To see that they are alive and in good shape? Because the last time he saw them, didn't count for him. It was a war. A fucking war, just for his sake. But whatever he did, he couldn't forget his family's condition in that war. How desperate they were to save him.. died in the road. Took fatal injuries. Lost their father. Their brothers. Their ships. And then there was Luffy.. That idiot, thinking it's his job to protect his big brother. No, Luffy is the little brother here, so Ace will always and forever protect Luffy. No matter what. He won't let Luffy die like Sabo. He would protect him. ...

He was still in the infirmary, much to his dislike. Though, the nurses (whom he already knew of, but they still introduced themselves) said he could leave after noon. Sighing, Ace changed his gaze from the walls to the window, staring outside. It was a nice day. Sunny and calm. His crew were around the infirmary most of the time, too. Deuce never once left his side after the Whiteb- their family let his former crew inside. Turns out the idiots tried to get him back, attacking the Whitebeards, and getting beaten up badly. Luckily, none had any serious damage. That would be a different matter. Though he knew his family wouldn't hurt them. Right now, it was past morning and Deuce and some of the others were inside the infirmary, while the rest stood outside.

"So, what are we going to do about that?" Deuce asked, once the nurses were out of hearing range. Huffing, Ace shook his head. He didn't know. He really didn't. And he wanted to spend time with family. Oh, how he missed them..

"For now.. let's enjoy, won't we? We have around three to five months at least, as things changed a little from the original timeline. I don't want to waste whole three months doing stupid shit like attacking Oyaji. So, we could either have three months or a year. I have no idea." Ace explained his not-so-genious plan. Though, you wouldn't call that a plan. With a sigh, Deuce just nodded. He couldn't argue right now.

"Well, whatever happens, we still have to take that man down. Or warn everyone. Do you think they'll believe us?" His lover (yes, lover, they were together already) asked, seeming to be tense.

"I hope so." Was the only reply he could tell. He wanted to believe Oyaji and everyone would believe him, but well, in this timeline he had just joined their family so he was kinda less believable. He stared into Deuce's eyes and smiled reassuringly, met with another smile by the masked man. Raising his hand, he called Deuce closer, wiggling his fingers to come. Rolling his eyes, Deuce leaned forward and their lips met with smiles on their faces. Ace cupped Deuce's cheeks and sent him a blinding smile, one full of reassure and love. Smiling softly, Deuce let himself be kissed and hugged by Ace. Though, their moment was cut off with their crew's curious eyes peeking inside. Huffing, Deuce dragged the man inside to find out what he wanted.

"What's wrong, Skull?" He asked, once Skull was out of his sheepish grin, being caught while spying on his capt- well, former captain and his lover, who was also their former first mate.

"Well, just wanted to see how y'all were doing. Seems I shouldn't habe interrupted, hehe." Deuce sighed, shaking his head as Skull and their other friends who were obviously listening laughed out loud. Turning to Ace he wasgrinning widely even though a tint of blush was on his cheeks.

"Well.." Ace started after clearing his throat, everyone stopping to listen in. Some heads popped up from behind the curtains that shielded Ace's bed, and their friends were smiling at them with reassuring eyes.

"I guess we can go to the galley and officially meet everyone, don't you guys agree? We have been here for, what, two days? I wanna leave. And I missed everyone, really." Ace suggested. They all voiced out their agreements, everyone wanted to meet the Whitebeards already and all of them had joined, so there was really no use to avoid anyone. Though they had met some of the members of the crew. They obviously met their father, Edward Newgate though mostly known as Whitebeard. They met Marco the first mate and first division commander, then met Izo who was sixteenth division commander, they met some sou-chefs from fourth division and more. They were eager to meet all of them. Considering there were more than thousands of members in their family.. It'd mostly take time to meet everyone. But still, they are their family now. Ace had told them a lot of stories, and all of the Spades were fond of Whitebeards before even meeting them.

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