Chapter 5: Be my son!

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It was yet another chaotic day in New World, second half of Grand Line where you don't know what's waiting for you the next second. With phenomenons occuring every, what, 30 minutes? There are sayings that the New World is the ultimate nightmare. It's true, though. The Spades couldn't agree more with that saying. It was well enough the death place of a lot of crews, to be honest, but Spades wouldn't take a step back. Never. They already knew what was waiting for them thanks to their captain Ace being there in his ex-life. Ace told them a lot of things, and they had managed to survive through New World long enough for the actual day of meeting Jinbei to come. Though, they hadn't known that. They thought that this was just another New World island but.. Captain proved it wrong.

"Okay, everyone!" The fire user yelled out, gathering his crew's attention. Some stopped and listened to him, waiting for him to continue his speech. Some just continued whatever they were doing aboard, name it be cleaning, training, chatting, just whatever. But they all did keep amd ear up so if this was about something important and not just Ace being an idiot, they could dive into the conversation. Deuce looked up from where he was sitting, his back leaning on to the railings and their cute but dangerous lynx Kotatsu in his lap. He was petting the lynx and though Ace was a little away from them, he could very well hear Kotatsu's purring. The captain grinned and his gaze followed around the ship, looking out for every of his crew members. And then his gaze settled on Deuce's, nodding to the blue haired man he inhaled deeply and continued on.

"Today is the day we fight Jinbei. Though I said we, I will be the one fighting just like I did back then. There will be no disagreements. Now, any questions?" Ace asked. There were a few hands raising up but he ignored them all and grinned mischievously. Deuce shook his head, knowing Ace wouldn't even ask what their questions are.

"No questions? Great!" Ace ignored the many sighs coming from his crewmates as well. He grinned widely and turned to Deuce, who was in the list of those whho sighed. The first mate shook his head and stepped forward to hug him, Ace welcoming the hug happily. After they broke the hug, Ace demanded everyone to not be sad or anything. 'I am not dead yet!', he said..


"Oi, big guy! I want to meet Whitebeard!" Ace declared, as he watched the fishman get closer to him and stop a few steps ahead. The fishman looked at him with an angry expression obvious on his face.

"I'm not going to allow a kid with murderous intents to see Pops-san! I might not be a part of the Whitebeard pirates, but I feel it's my duty to face you!" The Warlord snarled, and took a fighting position after Ace. Smirking, Ace charged forward with a yell of 'Hiken!'.

And so on, the fight begun. Ace attacked, Jinbei dodged. Jinbei attacked, Ace dodged. Sometimes they couldn't dodge in time, and took a hit. They dealed great amount of damage to their opponent- to each other. In the middle of the fight, Ace unfortunately could feel the rising heat in him. Cursing, he continued, ignoring every single pain coming to him Marineford, ignoring every single memory of his family fighting for him. Ignoring all the pain, putting it aside, Ace continued fighting Jinbei.

And, in the end of five days long fight, Jinbei fell unconscious, followed by Ace..

"Ace!" Deuce's voice could be heard, Ace knew it was Deuce, but he couldn't stand up. He was having a hard time breathing. He could feel the pain that 6th level of Impel Down gave.. Shit.

"O-Oi, is that...?" Saber started, staring into a big shade that was coming towards them. Once in vision range, they could see the big whale form in front of them. And on the top, stood Whitebeard and his sons.

"Whitebeard has come!" Banshee said. They all prepared for a fight, taking their weapons out when they heard the strongest man in the world talk.

"Who is the brat that wants to take my head?" The Yonko pirate asked, eyeing them and finally his eyes settled on Ace. Grinning, he jumped down and went to them. Ace was trying to stand up, ignore the pain and continue the fight. Whitebeard effortlessly punched some of the Spades aside and stared at Ace.

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