Section Fifteen - HorrorTok

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TikTok. The site where anyone can post anything and gain millions of views. People can watch these videos for hours a day seemingly, all without getting bored. However, being consumed by TikTok was where I was all day. Being a dropout made me a horrible person. Well, I was. My friends would constantly taunt me to record videos of them fighting other students and then posting it onto TikTok for likes and views. However, one of my friends recently started faking having an addiction to the internet as a means to mock me, who actually has an addiction to the internet and was posting about it everywhere, using my story as a means for her gain and said that I was the one copying her. Trying to get her to stop numerous times, she would constantly misgender and deadname me and scream at me. (For context, I am a non-binary person and my non-binary name is Riley. My deadname and birth gender doesn't matter. All that matters is my name is Riley and I use they/them pronouns.) She would also mock pansexuals while being pansexual herself. I would constantly tell her to stop because I'm pan as well (I'm asexual though, so panromantic.) and it offends me along with my friend group, who are all pansexual or omnisexual. She would constantly look at my no-no areas too, and I would tell her to knock it off.

It got to the point where my friends had to step up and make videos of her harassing and threatening to kill me. No one believed us and claimed it was all staged and fake. This scared me knowing how she was capable of manipulating people into believing her. She would continue to keep going however, and one day, her and I got into an argument. She was recording me... well, she was on a live. Her fans could see how badly she was treating me and some were screaming at her to stop. She wouldn't stop. It got to the point where she had a knife in her hand and threatened to kill me again. I screamed for help and she began to stab me while live as I bled out screaming. While I had a last bit of ability to move, I attempted to grab her knife and she wouldn't give up. She stabbed the crap out of my hand, then began to cut off my arm. She cackled like some evil witch from the movies and ended the live, her phone screen covered in my blood. She licked it off and tried cutting my eye with her bloody knife.

She smiled and looked at my body, covered in my own blood. Then she got up and walked away. Smiling to herself, she looked back at me and said "Have a nice life, shitbag." as her heels clacked against the ground, walking away. Then my world went to black.

Waking up, I was surprised to see myself bandaged up while some other social media sites were around me. Around me, TikToks were displayed on broken holographic machines. They were flickering and glitching as sparks flew. The floor was covered in pond or swamp water and it smelled awful, almost like a trashcan full of dead fish, rotten potatoes and expired yogurt mixed with the smell of vomit. Knowing what was ahead of me most likely, I walked forward.

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