Section Fourteen - SnapNeck

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Luxury. Luxury was all I was seeing everywhere on SnapChat. The dude who was going to destroy the whole internet as we knew it. He targeted those who were gullible enough to believe his bullshit. However, I am Jessabelle, and I am queen of SnapChat. Every second of my life I'm snapping photos of myself for SnapChat. My whole life revolves around SnapChat. I'm not some clown though that would believe some stupid prank. Besides, this is just a joke, right? My parents had always warned me about how dangerous the internet is, and we all know how I, queen of SnapChat like to have things - perfect. It's all me, me, me. If you don't think I'm perfect, I will end you. I'm joking, I'm not a psycho unless I wanna be. Sure as Hell though I'm the prettiest psycho you've ever seen. My parents screamed at me always for calling myself at school a diva, even though I am. I'm better than those idiots.

But... Everything changed when I didn't get my way. Luxury got his way into SnapChat and destroyed everything. The code, the UI, the logo. Everything was destroyed by this madman. I wanted it to end. I spent hours trying to go out and ask people to help me but they all shut their doors on me, saying that my friends didn't wanna hang out with a girl who worried too much about her makeup, nails and herself and what filter I would use next because apparently I'm not "good enough" for them... I ranted again, didn't I? Well, you get my point. SnapChat was my life and I will do anything to save it.

Attempting to turn on device after device while my dad was screaming at me, telling me how much of a failure I am and that I'm useless. Beginning to cry when he proceeded to tell me that I was the worst mistake of his life, he slapped me and beat me up, then shoved me in my room. Crying myself to sleep, I awoke in a world full of horror. It looked like the internet but it was like an abandoned mall with overgrown plants in it. It smelled of mold and mildew, and the sound of a pipe burst could be heard in the background. The water was green and looked like swamp water. From the ceiling was vines, and the walls were bordered with vines as well. There were screens that were shattered and flickering with the last bit of life they had. In some places, it sparked and flickered with electricity.

Oh boy was I in for an adventure. Luxury, here I come.

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