Section Seven

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After the six of us were able to move into the Slender Mansion, I soon realized that these guys were killers. Like, actual blood thirsty killers who got away with murder. With my ability to go into the internet and manipulate electronics and electricity, I could seriously get away with murder if I wanted to. Slender had asked me if I ever thought of getting revenge on the bullies who tormented me. Knowing they had disbanded and were elsewhere in life, I had to find them one way or another and get back at them and kill them somehow.

So I relied on what I knew best - the internet and Discord. I asked my friends if they knew, and none of them did. I was left confused by so many things.

But, as soon as I was about to give up, a user added me and I accepted. She told me she was a former member of the group and my eyes widened. I asked what happened to the others and she said that they were getting back together and were going to be doing good. Not for long, not under my watch. They'd be dead. I would kill them, no matter how long it took, and anyone who says that they're innocent will be dead as well. Even you, as the reader.

It wasn't too long before Slender set me out on my journey to find them. I knew their locations and everything. I had downloaded apps to be able to locate them and help me hack them, leading to their demise and utter death. I constantly was checking in on Discord to make sure that they didn't get too suspicious of my plans, even though I was already coming off as a little bit suspicious. They had told me I seemed a bit off from the start, as being in calls with them every now and again scared the living Hell out of me. I wasn't used to hearing their voices. Last I heard of them was years ago. So this was like new to me.

After I had found one of the places they met up at, I waited for them and then they showed up at around 1 AM. It was dark out (obviously) and rather cold. They asked how I had gotten there but I told them I wanted to talk to them in person and didn't mean to scare them. There was silence. Zapping all of them with at least two million volts of electricity, I instantly killed all of them before they could make out a single word and dragged the bodies with me back to the Slender Mansion.

Judging by how you guys would imply this, you're probably thinking "Oh, this is some self-insert." or "Oh, why didn't the principal do this?" or "Why did he murder them when they had changed?" I'm a psychopath, moron, and because you wanna judge me for my wrongs, I'm gonna kill you and make you suffer. Just like I did for years. I'm gonna kill you and trap your soul in the internet forever and make it so you can't sleep.

If you didn't judge me, however... we're friends now and we're getting Happy Meals and gonna spend our time killing innocent Discord users while playing The Legends of Zelda.

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