Section Nineteen - Seige's Story, Part One

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I was a normal kid, living my life. But sometimes that doesn't go according to plan. Life can be seriously cruel, and this world we live in is a cruel place known for treating people with extreme brutality. Sometimes, it even throws people to the sides just to get its own way. My life was exactly that way.

My dad worked in a lab where they experimented on mythological creatures with magic capabilities. The thing is, demon-cyclops was what he was researching. My dad was heavily invested in his work and spent little to no time with my family and I so instead of making it up to them, he divorced my mom and left my siblings with her when I was 10-years old. My father was constantly in a state of rage when he couldn't find the correct answers to his problems, which stressed him out. My mother could calm him down but whenever I suggested he at least try and make things up with her, he would yell and scream at me, as if I was the problem. However, he kept getting more and more angry at his co-workers and even at me. My father had only hired me to help him because I was the only one he had left. His boss and co-workers were fed up with him until they told him that he either needed to prove his worth while there and actually do something or they would fire him.

My dad, not wanting to get fired, put all of his remaining time there researching both demons and cyclops, and even the hybrids. The more time he spent working, the more he felt overworked and overstressed with everything around him. That was, until one day, he found he could fuse the two without them needing to mate. As he did more and more tests, he wanted me to help him. Offering my help was the least of my worries, however, the amount of danger that this would put me in was my general concern. All my dad needed was some of my blood and the demon and the cyclops blood, and he needed to mix it with the formula he created using a mixture of chemicals. I could smell danger from miles away and this did not seem right, but I was too much of a wimp to say anything or speak up because I knew it would anger my father, and I was his only son.

Everything was going to plan, and as he brought out a simple base of a demon-cyclops he had created using skin created in his lab and the bones of a mixture of demon-cyclops, mainly from the water tribes since those were the main ones that lived near us, he injected the formula into the body as my world disappeared for a brief moment.

I couldn't see, but I could feel around me and the air was damp. It smelled of the ocean as well, and I could smell fish. Hearing around me, my dad was screaming that his demon and his cyclops had disappeared, and that I had disappeared as well, but I was right there. Slowly gaining consciousness, I tried getting up but was too weak and had lost my balance easily. I had green horns and white scaly skin. I also had one big green eye and green angel wings. My feet were rounded at the ends and I had three toes, but five fingers. Having no clothes, I found some in our spare clothing bin. I chose the most decent looking clothes there, however they were torn and slightly tattered. The shirt was a tan color, while the jeans were ripped and stopped at my knees. Taking notice of my height, I was around five foot four inches. Before I was six foot one inch. I was also oddly skinny as well, and my arms were thin but grew thicker when it reached my hand area. My nails were a dark green color, almost jade.

My dad came into the room with his co-workers and they talked to me, telling me it was okay. I tried speaking but I sounded like a dying fish. Growling in frustration, I sighed and just sat down. Taking notice of the type of demon-cyclops I was, he offered me salmon. Immediately chowing down on it with a smile, I snuggled up with my dad and he hugged me, apologizing for everything. Beginning to cry, my dad wiped my tears and tried calming me. Managing to make out the phrase "Can we go home now?", he smiled and agreed. Only seconds later, the alarms for the facility went off and my dad rushed to see what the problem was. Trying to follow my father, I ran behind him. One or more of the monsters had escaped and were murdering his co-workers. My dad, jumping to save them, got caught in the grasps of a giant octopus. Screaming for my dad, I tried reaching out but his co-workers stopped me. The smell of fresh blood and the screams of my father could be heard in the distance. Laying there on the ground, helpless, I wept myself to sleep.

Months went by of endless experiments and tests on me to make sure I was stable enough. At one point, I was even sexually assaulted by one of the co-workers in an attempt to see if we could mate with humans. It got to the point where I broke free from everything and just left the facility undetected. Sure, they'd be onto me and likely try and hunt me down, but it was safer than being constantly assaulted and used as a test subject for their unfair treatments towards other creatures. Flying was what I seemed to struggle with, and as I spread my wings to fly from an open window in my dad's old lab, I took a photo of my dad with me and jumped out. Falling through the sky, not knowing how to fly I dropped into the ice cold water. Not having properly developed yet or even how the world works for demon-cyclops in the water tribe, I sank to the bottom, losing breath. In my head a memory of my father, my mother, my siblings and I all dancing and singing to our favorite show when I was 5. Crying and letting out my final stretch of life, I let go of everything. My will to live, my will to care, my emotions, everything. Water filled my lungs as I felt them shrink as gills appeared and my demon tail suddenly turned into a shark tail. Swimming using the tail I suddenly gained and breathing using the lungs gifted, I swam up and spread my wings, which were waterproof. Beginning to gain speed, I flew out the water as my gills and shark tail disappeared.

I flew off and found a small island floating about 20,000 feet above the ocean. This island was called Saltbreak Island. It was home to everything strange and unusual, so I made myself at home here. I even met a new friend and found out that he has shapeshifting abilities. Trying to learn to shapeshift as well, I finally managed to do so. I could tell this other demon-cyclops was happy being with me and we were immediately friends. We both shared our whole life stories with each other and finally learned that maybe being different is okay.

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