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! Short Chapter !

! Fluff !


3rd POV:

Akaza flew through the forest, his haori floating in the wind as it dragged after him, slowly blowing off his shoulders. His eyes watered from his acceleration, but was almost to his favorite spot in Japan. He jumped over logs, swerving between trees. He noted the trees slowly start to lighten in coverage, soon bursting out into the open. He found the edge of his favorite mountain peak, covered by a light mist. Flowers seemed to glow and dance in the drafts of moonlight seeping through the water molecules floating in the air. By morning, the beauty of the moment would be washed away, not leaving a single trace such a peaceful sight ever existed. This was his favorite time of night, and day. The highlight of his nightly sprints. His eyes glowed as he slowed his pace, letting his legs relax as the muscles extended to take larger steps. The ledge was slowly being swallowed by a hazy mist, as if it was slowly being flooded. It always happened around 20 minutes after sunset. The handsome demon strode towards the ridge, admiring the beauty of a blue flower that caught his eyes. It seemed to be dimly glowing, the newly discovered flower seemed to shiver at his presence. It's delicate petals folding in as the sun drew farther away. Strange. Akaza, in all his 300 or so years had never seen this flower. It gave a feeling as if it were a dream. It's soft image representing that of a red spider lily. Yet it shown a pastel and dulling blue. Perhaps its wilting had done so to the, what seemed previously highly saturated deep blue. It made sense why he might have never seen it before, it must only bloom in the day. How interesting.

The demon finished strolling to the edge, moving from his old position he had froze in moments before. He sat down at the edge, legs hanging loosely over the ridge. He then leaned over, carefully plucking the flower, before bringing it to his chest. He fondled over its soft features, the delicate folds of tissue that appeared to glisten. The luster of the breathtakingly beautiful flower made Akaza feel bad for the poor thing. It would surely shrivel in a few minutes. He wanted to preserve the pretty plant, his mind thinking of something that may help this wilting flower to survive. Sunlight would be the obvious solution, but he couldn't be touched by it, nor find it by now. Perhaps the flower had already dropped seeds. It would be the only chance to see such a stunning flower again. As he sat up to walk over and look for seeds, his senses picked up a presence he had not noticed before. It was oddly familiar, and didn't seem dangerous, so he bent over and searched for a seed. It wasn't long before he found a pitch black seed about as big as his wrist. It wasn't the usual pale color of the red spider lily seed, but it was even prettier. He scooped it up and stuffed it into his pant's pocket before shouting into the darkness.

"You know, You're really not fooling anyone. Why are you here Douma?"

He heard a slight chuckle before the bushes rustled, revealing a blonde demon. His tall figure striding out as he smiled warmly at the demon he adored. The blonde had noticed the striped demon's spot he always disappeared to. He had found the pinkette sweeter alone then he was around anyone. The blonde male had picked up the hint he liked his peace and quiet, but his actions seemed to be unusually soft, especially towards Douma. Normally the pinkette would tell him to "Fuck off" or to "Leave him the hell alone". But Akaza had a calming aura as Douma walked towards him.

"Well, I saw you and figured I'd say hi!~"

"Really? Just say hi? You've been staring at me for the past 10 minutes."

The blonde just simply blinked before smiling once again.

"Have I? Whoops!~..... Mind If I join you?"

The striped demon just simply nodded in response. The two walked towards the ridge again, sitting down, side by side, swinging their legs over the ledge. The demons just quietly observed each other, not a word passing between them. Occasionally they met eye contact, Akaza looking away in embarrassment from being caught red-handed, while Douma just giggled at the shorter male. Douma admired Akaza's beauty, paying attention to every little detail. Everything he did made the blonde fall head over heels for him. The pretty demon blinked down thoughtfully, studying the, now wilted, unique flower. Douma watched carefully, the light in Akaza's eyes as he gazed curiously at the flower. Douma too, was wondering what exactly the flower was. The dull smokey blue giving a tired vibe. If that was the 'blue spider lily' Muzan-sama was talking about, Douma thought, it was long past it's expiration date.

'You like that flower huh? Do you know what type it is?"

"No, I don't, but its rather a pretty color don't you think?"

"Sure it is, but I still think blonde would suit you better.~"

The blonde smirked as he saw the pinkette's face flush shyly. He punched the blonde on the arm, giggling slightly went the demon scoffed. Akaza smiled at Douma, teeth glistening in the moonlight, the mist almost making a faded silhouette around the striped demon. The blonde feeling his face heat up as he felt his whole heart melt at the soft expression. Akaza closed his mouth, but his smile remained on his face. Maybe Douma isn't so bad after all. I actually like him quite a lot.. The shorter demon shrunk as he blushed, realizing his feelings for the blonde.

Douma suddenly cupped the striped demon's face, the males complexion of pink, blue, white, and yellow delicately glowing. Akaza leaned his face into the warm hand, finding the gesture comforting. Douma smiled before closing the distance between them, pressing a long and sweet kiss on Akaza's unsuspecting lips. Akaza's eyes widened in shock as Douma pulled away, met with a adoring smile. Akaza felt the edges of his mouth slowly melt into a smile, finding his heart fluttering in his chest. Akaza then connected their lips softly again, the blonde embracing the kiss as they shared the close moment. The two demons parted slowly, opening their eyes once again to bask in the other's beauty. Akaza hugged Douma's arm, the small demon clinging onto the blonde as he leaned against him. The strange blue lily dropped from his hands, suddenly bursting into a bloom once again, the vibrant blue shining as it rode the wind. Dropping slowly from the mountain peak where two demons found themselves together.



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