❤️200 special🌸

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(sorry but 6arelyhuman and Odetari are🔛🔝)

yes. this is literally just smut. (and 2k of fluff (aftercare + extra) (and guess what always happens when I write fluff.... 🌚) )
thank you all so much, i cant even express how i feel right now.
my goal is to find out how detailed I can make this while still keeping my sanity intact.
In the Original AU 💪💪

I suggest reading in private. (or don't 🤷‍♀️)
this is literally just one paragraph 🧍‍♀️
Don't worry Akaza gave Douma consent before this (just in case your concerned)

yall have no clue how fucking single i felt while writing this ('o.o)
somebody get me and my horny readers some holy water please.

3rd POV:

The room was dark, the soft blood red sheets of Douma's cult bed center piercing the open space. Fancy gold and rhinestones lined every surface, fabric of the highest quality everywhere. Alone, two figures stood, one reaching onto the other as the hem of a short haori slid down muscular arms. As Douma slowly undressed his inferior, he felt the male underneath him shiver in excitement. The blonde pushed his inferior into the soft bed, watching as his hands placed on his chest pressed him down into the light surface. The demon below him sunk into the bed, his body creating an outline of crease marks and stretch marks of the sheets. The delicate stripes lining the skin of his body, soft skin pressing back against his coarse fingers. Akaza looked at Douma's abs, visible through his shirt. The muscles flexed as Douma curved down, his face just hovering above the shorter demons. The inferior demon glanced up, his breath catching slightly in his tightening chest. Their breath shaking out as the atmosphere around them heated up. The hot air made the bottom shiver as he felt the blondes face slowly sink down to his neck. Only Douma had clothing on, his shirt the last thing hanging on his lean frame. The pinkette braced himself into the the bed sheets, Douma following him. The top male blinked slowly as he admired the heavenly body under him. How he desired to feel the short male clench around him. He smirked as he thoughts grew darker, Akaza moaning under him, begging for him. Drool rolling out of his mouth, his body encased in sweat. The lean frame, muscular and flexible, curving. The striped demon shaking as he pressed out and in, over and over. Oh how Douma could dream, but this would be better than dreaming. He slowly pressed his lips onto Akaza's neck, tasting the milky white skin. As the blonde's lips latched onto the striped demons skin, Akaza's breath hitched. The pinkette left out a shaking whimper as he felt Douma slowly suck, his tongue pressing to the same, now bruised, skin before moving next to it, repeating the actions. The rainbow-eyed male slowly marked Akaza up and down with soft kisses. The small sensations making Akaza whimper in pleasure as the small teases sent small sparks up his spine. The blonde then suddenly harshly sucked on the pinkette's skin, attempting to make him louder. Akaza shuddered as he moaned softly, the sound just barely leaving his agape lips. Douma slowly let go, licking up the short demon's neck, stopping here and there to find the striped male's sweet spot. The harsh kisses lining Akaza's neck turned the paste-y skin a light pink, the color slowly fading back to its usual milky color. A moan suddenly interrupted the melody of whimpers as the pinkette's chest tensed. Douma was now slipping his fangs into the sensitive spot on his neck. He wanted more of Douma. He needed more of Douma. The blonde continued to abuse the certain spot on Akaza's neck, as his hands reached downwards. The hands pressed into the soft and squishy layer of abs on the demon before hitting the rock hard muscle underneath the thick skin. He slowly groped the muscles, listening as the pinkette groaned softly. He smirked to himself as he watched the short demon's face redden ever so slightly in color, the shade more visible since it was painted against pale skin. Douma continued to suck harshly on the striped demon's neck. He bit down slowly, blood dribbled out of the hickey, before the rainbow-eyed male licked it off. Akaza whined in approval as the blonde demon started pressed harder, creeping into the honey-eyed male's v-line. Akaza groaned as Douma pressed into the layer of pure muscle, enjoying himself as he was massaged lightly. Every touch felt like heaven to Akaza. Douma pulled his mouth away from the now regenerating skin of his inferior. Since hickies never seemed to heal correctly nor quickly, even as demons, Akaza would be stuck with them for at least the night yet to come. As the male pressed closer and closer to Akaza's length, he leaned in. The pinkette smiled teasingly as he held in the sounds his body was desperate to let out. Douma paused for a moment, glancing slowly back up at Akaza, waiting for him to do or say something. The bottom smirked down at his superior who was now in between his legs, a smug look on his well defined face. Akaza was propped up on his elbows, watching the blonde as he moved closer to his shaft. Lust shown dully in his honey eyes, blinking bashfully as he cooed at the man on top of him. "Douma.... Don't be like this." He sighed out, feeling his body begging for Douma to just continue. The rainbow eyed demon didn't murmur a word, but instead latched onto Akaza. He took his thumb, rubbing and trailing it slowly on Akaza's dick as he teased. A shaky breath rocked out of the striped demons soft lips. The whispers of unsaid praise floating onto Douma, submerging the front of his face in hot air. He smiled slyly as he watched every small reaction in Akaza before he repeated the action, putting slightly more pressure onto the sensitive space. Akaza let out a low groan. All he could think of was the cold finger slowly slithering over his dick. The cold figment tickled down the sensitive skin, causing the demon to breath in sharply. It was less of a tease now, but it still wouldn't satisfy the pinkette. The milky white and blue striped hand of Uppermoon 3 reached down, sliding onto Douma's hand. He clenched his hand around Douma's, making the tan hand clasp around his member. He then roughly dragged the blonde's hand over his dick, moaning lightly. His arm stretched to grasp that hand even harder, pulling his hands back up while arching himself into Douma's clenched hand. His skin tingled with every touch, the grooves of Douma's rough hands massaging him. Despite Akaza's desperate action, Douma found the horny gesture rather cute. He knew Akaza wanted him to stop teasing. But since when has he ever listened? The blonde didn't utter a word, nor did he move his hand, but rather intensely stared at the male beneath him. The skin under his hand was getting hotter and hotter, the sensation like a hand warmer. He batted his eyes lashes at the sight below him, finding Akaza's attempts to pleasure himself hilarious. The striped demon was still trying desperately to get Douma to do something, but was seemingly embarrassed. But if he wasn't going to do anything, Akaza could always take over. So, annoyed with Douma's non-stop teasing, lightly shoved Douma over, the nude man now on top of Douma's abdomen. The blonde took surprise to this action, underestimating just how down bad Akaza was for him. Douma was about to shove the flush pink-haired man back onto the mattress, when he found himself tangled in the sleeve of his shirt. It wasn't great timing, and Douma regretted not taking off the article of clothing earlier. As Douma's arms thrashed lightly, Douma watched everything Akaza did. The pink haired demon was slowly sitting up again, moving his hips back. His thighs flexed, showing the muscle under the skin, making Douma perk up. Quickly swiping his finger over the leaking substance at the tip of his shaft, the striped demon grabbed Douma's halfway erected member and lined himself up. Wiping off the sticky but slick liquid over the end. The pinkette brought the hot tip to the pink ring of his hole. Slowly, he rubbed against the member, and gradually a small slit slowly opened, nimbly, almost shyly spreading over the end. The hand slowly pushed the tip in, only the top successful in. A shutter passing through the smaller body as the shorter male lowered himself down even more so. Rocking his hips to continue down, he made the grueling journey to the base of his desires. This wasn't the first time they had reached to pleasure themselves, Akaza's body was already well adjusted to Douma. Like a slow burning fire, Douma clenched his fists against the fabric of the tight shirt. A slight noise resounded from a slight tear in the fabric. The pinkette finally made it over the blondes tip, slowly pushing deeper. Pain seemed to flash through the demons eyes, but he didn't stop. He wasn't yet half way down, still clearly bracing himself. The blonde smirked, finding his arms finally slipping out of his shirt. As he tore the sweaty tight shirt off his frame, basically peeling it off, the older still struggled to slowly fill himself. As Douma threw the discarded piece of clothing away, his hips bucked up, causing his dick to lodge into Akaza. The pinkette moaned in surprise and pain. He quickly shot a glare at the taller demon. The younger just smirked enjoying the striped demons expression. Akaza felt amazing around him, and if it wasn't for his high sex tolerance, he would have already shoved the demon down on him. The pinkette still glaring, started to rock his hips, continued his journey down while Douma's member wiggled around his walls, opening him up slightly quicker. The blonde groaned, the soft but effective movement on his dick making it exceedingly difficult to hold back. The velvety walls caressing Douma's dick made the sensitive skin burn with a new desire. Before he could get ahead of himself, he reached up, pulling Akaza to his face. The pinkette stared blankly, not knowing what to expect. Douma softly pushed his lips onto the others, the exceedingly soft skin of the smooth lips and its grooves making the blondes body rack with shivers, which shot like lightning through his limbs. Akaza let off his member and reached his hands to Douma's face, the shaft still squeezing in between the narrow hole between the shorter's thighs. The pinkette brought his lips crashing onto the other's. The sensation of mutual desire made the steamy mood escalate. The inferior demon started to nibble on the lips underneath him, a tease testing the blonde. Akaza opened his mouth to grasp Douma's as he sat down fully onto the blonde. Douma felt himself twitch at the sudden change in everything. Akaza responded with a needy moan, a flowing sound which made Douma's heart patter against his chest. The inferior demon started to suck the delicate skin of the blondes lips. His teeth gently rubbed against the soft red layer. The pinkette began to lightly bite down, just barely touching the thin surface. His tongue flicked against that bottom lip, a sense of extreme torture burst through the man underneath him. With his lips numbing slightly, Douma felt the kindle of desire start to burn through him, igniting every nerve end, his restraint flickering. With the rough kisses, his lips tingled, a numbing warmth taking his mouth captive as Akaza adopted his tongue into the hot cove. Akaza could feel the cock of his demon sub-coordinate pulse, pressing against the scalding hot skin of his walls. The touch of skin pressed against skin was arousing for both men, already this far into the point of no return, the tainted mind of the blonde made its work. Taking mental notes of every slight change in Akaza's expression, every spot and place his hands fluttered to on the blondes body. He watched as the pink haired man breathed in, his breath hitching before rocking his hips once more, seeming to prod around to find a certain spot. His breath quickly turned labored, despite not really riding, but rather grinding on him, he still felt as though he was melting. No sooner than when Akaza's lungs lifted with air had the gasps been shutter out. His chest caught in his moment of savory ecstasy, eyes closing as his brows knitted, a slight grunt rumbling in his throat. There. Right fucking there. They both knew that was the spot, and without a moment of hesitation the striped demon started to lift up, slowly, following delayed sinking back down. A tan hand slithered up a milky white thigh, pale skin prickling with charming sparks. He relished the feeling of his nerves spiking in bliss, dirty feelings creeping upon his open skin. His body crawled with desire, seeking only the pleasing waves of gluttony arising over his superior. He started up again, rising and falling like a fabric waving in the wind. Raised and dropped, working on plunging deeper each time. His forehead broke out in sweat. Douma's soft puffs of gratification could be heard above a shameful sound of skin slowly squishing down on slick, hard flesh. The creases and wrinkles protecting the once tightly compacted hole were now smooth, silken soft skin embedding a longer, more feverish object. The broad dick was bustled into the welcoming body, which slowly increased in speed on thrusting as it sought after the pleasure of softly venturing in his most secretive place. The more it touched, the more he craved it again and again, making sure it retreated into his hot, willing, flushed body the same way it did the first motion. With more assertive and demanding bounces on his member, Douma's chest tightened as the grip on Akaza's thigh beforehand, languidly groping the thigh to the side on his abdomen, now had it fingers digging into the slender skin. The bulky muscles slackened in sluggish contentment at his fiery touch, a shameless shiver coursing through Douma's frame. He started to rub, harsher and rougher, massaging the large muscles of Akaza's inner thigh. With such a hot and textured hand rubbing him as he rode atop of Douma's cock, the pink haired demon wanted to torment the blonde even more so. Reaching down to where they were joined and he lifted up again, he brought his thumbs to the base of Douma's pleasure and started brushing lightly against the tight skin. The light teasing fingers might have tickled if placed anywhere else, but the only ignited the flame burning at Douma's fuse of restraint. Holding on for dear life, Douma clung to his few strands of self control, the moment of his consciousness being smudged. Thoughts were harder and harder to render, even inner dialogue became less and less reasonable. Losing the battle, his boat sinking in the sea of lust and desires, the rush of hot pleasure was getting to his head. Fuzzy and fading, his mind raced alongside his pulse. Picking up speed as the rubs became more assertive, pressing down harder and harder. Slowly those same hands and delicate, naughty fingers slid up his pelvis, stopping at the anatomy of his v-line. Below his soft touch, a hot pleasure organ coursed beneath, begging to be violated. With a smirk, Akaza leaned forward, slouching and he pressed fingers into the hard surface beneath striped hands. Stopping his movements, he teased into the flesh guarding the sensitive place. When Douma felt him stop, he was confused, before he felt a dull drop in his lower abdomen, a numb like sense of pleasure consumed him. A groan escaped his lips. With the pink man's intent reached, idea confirmed, he started circling his ten fingers, a rough rubbing given to the flesh. Nerves unconsciously touched, he felt his dick get painfully harder. It felt like torture, but it felt good. Akaza's hands shifted to his hips, caressing and groping the bone and muscle in the firm waist. Starting up his pace again, he was moved faster and faster, head rolled back. Underneath him, the blonde huffed out labored breaths, eyes tightly shut as if he was in pain. Fingers clenched around red sheets of silk, caught between calloused fingers. Douma found the rhythm rather easy to follow, and rocked his hips in pursuit of friction. Nothing could compare to the pleasure he felt in the moment. It was so easy to forget, and so hard to reenact with just ones self. A melody of languished moans escaped from Akaza, breathy wisps of incoherent murmurs that floated like salty air over the ocean. Waves licking at the heat infused bodies, lust leaving them slick with sweat. Soft like jingles of small wind chimes, the husky groans of the blonde beneath the striped demon could be heard mixing in this exotic sound track. Douma struggled to keep from arching into Akaza, everything drove him mad. Akaza, his movements, and the way he took the initiative to give them both a pleasurable cruise on the endless ripples of luscious bliss. Akaza couldn't help but feel his heart pound in his ears. He never allowed himself to steep to such a position and willingly bottom out, but he rather liked it. The feeling of control, Douma feeling such a way completely from him, and him only. Akaza leaned back over Douma. With a feeling of confidence, they met again, joining in a relishing kiss. Soft lips on Douma's textured ones, tongues bound together in a dance of ecstasy. Pale pink biting onto white silk, water finally engulfing the two in the drowning sea. Reaching up onto the muscles of Akaza's neck, Douma tugged his head in deeper before sliding out of the hot cavern his dick had been embedded into. Sliding Akaza's hips tight to his pelvis, he pushed the pink haired demon down. Heart beats in a rhythm of their own. The outside world was no longer important as the two tangled together. There was temptation held between the two men, unsaid, but mutually understood. Tongues seems to slither over each other, trying to take up more space than the other while feeling inside the mouth given so willingly to them. Inside the raging water of need and want, the bottom was solid with love and contentment. Douma touched all over the body behind him, slowly entering back into the place his body longed to be. Akaza's deep sighs danced on his tongue, rolling over wet skin above him. Arms wrapped around broad shoulders, the soft surface tickled his arms, like Douma was made of crystal. Smooth and perfect, clear and sturdy. Kisses were delivered to every inch of Akaza's chest, a faithful thrust following in promise of pleasure. Every touch splashed the water in the ocean of lust, crashing down like waves. Douma's hands fluttered down Akaza's sides, delicate sounds were cleaned from Akaza, like the way Douma polished his fans. Every moment they breathed, something sparked. Hips jumping forward, Douma disconnected their mouths to hear the melody blossoming from Akaza's mouth. Shifting his gaze down from Akaza's deep eyes welled up with pent up desire, to his lips, asking for a follow up of taste of another dance. Like sweeping to strike down an opponent, Akaza's lips swooped in and crashed onto Douma's. Barging into a barricade meant to be broken by one person's permission and one person's tongue. Dead locked in the passion coursing through their veins, kisses and luscious thrusts were delivered, repeated, and pampered to the short demon. Hands grasped onto hip bones, calloused fingers tapped on the lightly flushed pink skin beneath them. Using the grip hold, precise and purposeful rocking motions were drawn out. Like a life line, Akaza clung to the blonde, strong hands and strong biceps embedding Douma in a hug for stability. Every time, a feeling of heat and pleasure washed over both when smooth walls were tickled and rubbed against a girth-ier mass. Sensitive and violated, Akaza felt himself shutter, wet sounds of lust and pleasure slipping off his lips. No sense of victory could ever be this satisfying. Nothing could make him cave and crumble like Douma could. It was like there was something magical about the way he moved, the way he drove forward with such determination and devotion. It truly could always leave the demon awestruck. Every time the blonde would force his way into the silky white and dark lined body, they both felt a rush. They had done many things in their lives, and had tasted their fair share of intoxicating delicacies, but this truly was something they only felt while deeply entangled with each other. A sense of connection and raw greed at the same time they felt for and with the other. Like a bottomless sea, they drowned, no sign or hope of returning. Tied together until they both died, the two found themselves enjoying themselves quite a lot. Douma, every time he bit down and licked at Akaza, he could almost taste the saltiness, but also the sweetness locked in the demon's soul. The skin under his lips trembled, and he felt a rush of heat pulse through Akaza. Milky skin was soft and plump, easy to prod until met with the bulky muscle beneath. Breaths misted across Douma's face from Akaza's open mouth. "Good lord Akaza, you really know how to wind a man up.." Low toned as his cock was buried deeper into the warm body. The wet and warm enveloping his sensitive skin drove him mad, every drag on his dick only made his heart beat faster. A familiar feeling clenched around his member, and a feeling of crazy lust flooded into him. Without mercy, he pushed off of Akaza's hip bone, the velvety soft walls sliding over every vein and curve, rough patch, and throb of his shaft as he started to pull out. The colder air tickled his skin as he started to spill out of Akaza, indescribable feelings spiking up every nerve. Soft, kneaded, and slightly swelled flesh puffed around the section of his length that slid out. The spark danced along every fiber of his being, at a constant until his the head of his cock. The puffy and bloomed walls squeezed around the bulge, and as he backed out completely until he was back up against the opening of Akaza's hole, the cold air danced over the hot skin. He felt like he would burst. The feeling of icy air made his dick twitch as he dove back into the waiting plush texture that had embraced his shaft moments earlier. He felt the electric rush once again, the quick motion with soft flesh ignited him again, and with a renewed energy, started slamming into the arched body beneath him. Ramming into the most pleasurable spot in the striped demon below him, Akaza let out a squeezed moan. The rushed noises rocked in pace with the thrusts. The head of Douma's cock in him rolled against his prostate over and over. His legs fell even farther down, losing feeling as his body and mind were consumed by the touches of overwhelming thrill. Irresistible ecstasy soaked him as he felt a numbing heat between his legs. Like an explosion, a gasp of relishing bliss crashed out of his lungs, into the air as a wet feeling dripped over his lower abdomen. Hot and heavy, a thick liquid made up of lust and desire was pooled over the two demons. Whitened tan skin slapped on above him as he felt himself clench down on the object still intruding him, unwilling to submit just yet. Like a beast had possessed him, the blonde grind his dick into the flaming prostate. Miserable groans and gasps were stolen from Akaza. "Douma.. please.. dear, please...." Begs and pleas were hoarsely croaked out and breathy huffs resonated from Douma. "Akaza baby, just a little longer... I promise you.." The blonde groaned out, low murmurs of phrase flowed from gaping lips, both demon moons struggling to fight back to the surface of the sea to gasp for air. Like hopelessly stranded outcasts, the two floundered just below the shimmering and raging tide. Almost close enough to gasp, but not quite. Douma's husky and low moans drizzled down like rain. Shivers slithered up the blondes spine, Akaza struggling to keep himself from dipping under again. With one last shove and rub, Douma yanked himself out, an expression of frustration painted on his face. Flushed milky skin was greeted with a sticky substance, that clung on from the inside out. Both demons took a moment to catch their breaths, and Akaza leaned up, kissing up Douma's face. Small quiet whispers of compassion and comfort were spreading warmth into Douma's heart. The more Akaza spoke, the more it calmed the raging burn of his fuse. Slowly, they both dipped up to the surface of the water, taking in a full breath of air, settling a fuzzy feeling into both. With sweet nothings and kisses of care, Akaza started to kiss down Douma's neck. His skin was slightly pale, like a crystal of ice, untouched and perfect. Sweat and soft skin pushed back against his lips, salty yet sweet. Carefully placed hands grasped Douma's, slithering around his waist and tickling into the blondes nerves. It was like he was admiring a new addition to his collection of things, like he was carefully inspecting merchandise. Being treated and pampered under such soft and careful hands drove the blonde mad. Like a spark to dry grass, the drowning desire of lust lapped over the blondes head. As Akaza drew down to the soft little hairs that grew thicker as he trailed down, Douma started to grow ecstatic with delight, fireworks crashing into his heart, which thudded in his veins like the beat of a drum. Akaza's lips were wetted by his own semen, but he could careless, his focus was on the blonde. Blood rushing to his head and kisses were drawn in long presses to his skin, down, down, and down until he was met with charming thrill spiking through his body. Sensitive skin was soaked with ecstasy, relishing bliss rolling off in waves, rocking him back under the heavy surface of lust. Pleasing touches licked over his hot member, Akaza kissing down the length with light teasing lips. With his tongue parting his lips, skimming over the warm skin sent a warm kiss of contentment skipping over his heart. His wet muscle left a slick trail down the burning dick. With slow, luscious, and shameful kisses and small tastes, the striped demon finally made it to the head. His eyes  walked back up the path he made down, marked with hickies and small dots of blood from bites, he wandered up until he met two desperate pearls. Rainbow looked into honey gold, like a silent plea, Douma groaned out and reached for his face, stroking the side of his forehead. Wrapped up in a spell he couldn't escape from, he sunk deeper into the striped males ocean, allowing the calm, warm, paradise to encase him. Like a reassurance of safety and trust to be held, a warm mouth coated over his most touch deprived place. Warm wetness coaxed at his control, threatening to melt the solid barrier away. A slick and fat length rolled around Douma's cock, a refilling buzz struck his stricken flesh. Delicate and gentle circles swirled around his heat member, heart fluttering as he closed his eyes, unable to maintain the intense eye contact Akaza challenged him with. Pure desire shivered through the blonde as lips rubbed against him, the tongue settling at the bottom of the cavern his shaft was settled into. A smooth force started growing on his dick, pulling it, as if trying to swallow it. The tug only graduated, embedding Douma in agonizing need, entertaining bliss on his body and mind. The striped demon smirked up at his superior's lost expression. Slowly, his hands that caressed Douma's waist slid down to two round semi circles. Warm hands teased down at the cold skin, groping around, toying with the muscles and texture under the skin. Fingers kneaded flesh as wrists and forearms continued to float down, shifting around solid outer thigh, trailing over the top of his lap. His lone fingers crossed over his thighs, tickling at the skin around the base of their current adventure. Sharp, and chilling nails dragged on over sensitive tan, drawing lines down to the two round shapes below. The sacs were heavy and bulging, begging to release the overwhelming amount of satisfaction. With soft hands, Akaza cupped them, gently rubbing with his thumbs. Untouched skin twinkled with new delicious feelings, relishing the savory touches of encouragement to give in to the inferior demon. Heavy breaths blew out of parted lips throughout the room, desire and greed, want and passion sizzled throughout the air. Like a melody of hushed chords, the harmony of mumbles and moans from Douma passed through Akaza's ears, like wind through a wind chime. Nothing could break the stream of pure passion that embedded them both, making them dive into each other, deeper and deeper. Tongue dragged over dick, rubbing and grazing over sensitive nerves. As good as a moth to flame, Douma couldn't resist the urge to tug Akaza's hair, grabbing a handful. The soft strands wove through coarse fingers, and heart laced desire driven by teasing finally broke through to Douma and the hair was passed through as he latched closer to the scalp. He was useless to stop his own intentions, and drove Akaza's head up, sending the striped demon's tongue sliding off the side of his already saliva coated cock. Like a child to a piece of candy, Akaza pressed on even harder to keep the package of girth in his mouth. He slung his tongue back down to rest into the bottom of his mouth and completely focused on swallowing down the saliva that was slathered on Douma's member. Harsh feelings of need and want spiraled up in Douma as the sucks got harsher. No detail could be seperatly inspected on Akaza at the moment, the blonde was too far gone to look at the striped demon, none the less, pay any attention to the red lips on his member. Nothing was clear as he was swallowed down into the sea, sinking deeper and deeper the more his soul was dragged out of him. Heart racing, pulse speeding and breaths heaving, Douma felt a warm coil slither down. He rocked his hips and brought the mouth that was completely at his expense closer to him yet. Everything welcomed him in, and he was dying to explore further. Douma rolled his hips forward even more aggressively, thrusting into the gaping cavern. Beginning to lose his control completely, he felt his morals slowly fade away, and tried his best to warn his inferior before the damage was dealt. "Not gonna last... Akaza..." Shakes from the waves of unrelenting desire rocked Douma, as he felt the warm coil spring to bite out like a viper. A wave of heat and complete numbness washed over the blonde, and a burst of semen splashed into Akaza's mouth. Hot and salty, the liquid burnt up his tongue, thick and hard to swallow while it was so heated. Despite the steaming hot liquid burning his tongue, the striped demon swallowed it down like he was dehydrated. Both couldn't render their surroundings for a moment, lost in the overwhelming sensations of heat and warmth. Like two petals falling from a tree, both drifted back down to their senses, and abruptly broke the previously calm surface of the sea. With a teasing smile, Douma lifted Akaza's face towards him and guided his body up to his until they were face to face. Lying down on the hard chest of his superior, Akaza drew circles with his nails, groping around the rougher skin, pale but tan, soft but leathery. The air around them smelt of passion and sex, the waves gently lapping at the two, cooling down the steamy mood. "Mn, what do you want to do now Douma?" Milky white lips parted and drew together as he trailed his honey gold eyes up the taller frame, until they were met with rainbow sparks igniting his hearts prolonged love for the blonde once more. Every second passed like hours, breathes held and words unsaid until a soft expression melted onto the face of crystal, perfect eyes blinked with the perfect sum of colors. Like two pearls shining on a black backdrop, they shone out bright as the stars. Without warning, Douma hugged his arms around Akaza's waist, a sly, but whimsically sweet smile spread across the pale skin, white teeth and canines twinkling a bright white. Charming and mischevious, but devoted and heartfelt in everyway. Douma rolled the two demons over, pressed together and tightly bound together in the embrace, limbs tangled with the others in haramony. Delicate and soft kisses were pressed onto shy skin, fluttering from skin to skin, all over. Kisses planted from Douma's rosy cheeks, to between his eyebrows and down his nose. Small puffs of laughter rolled off the two as they tangled and held each other close. With the small demon giggling, and shyly smiling, Douma held the striped demons chin between his fingers as he led up the plump lips to his own. Latching onto the texture above him, Akaza grasped for the blondes hand, his hand trailing down the toned and muscled man's bare skin, dragging down the sweaty arm. Like a moth drawn to flame, Douma lurched to drink all the nectar out of the flower he held. Tongue lapping at the lips against him as he prodded to enter. While he opened his mouth, fingers locked with fingers, hips pressed onto hips, and arms held each other. Like a painting blended by an illusion of colors, they had matching hearts that bled off the paper and twisted together. Every kiss electrified them, and made their minds wash over with the other, obsessed with his beauty and passion. Pink to blonde, honey to rainbow, silk to coarse, and every way they were different, they connected together like a puzzle. Perfectly fitted and matched for the other. Limbs locked in a tight skin to tight skin contact. Douma pulled slightly away from the pale lips, smiling as he pressed his forehead against Akaza's. "Beautiful." The cheesy smile pervaded even more of his face, his eyes twinkled with mischief as the striped demon flushed red, and evaded his eyes. "Stupid. You can't just say something like that randomly." The pink haired demon lightly whacked the blonde lightly with his hand clasped with Douma's. Feelings only flourished with every breath. "What are you going to do to stop me handsome?" Eyes locked onto the others, staring into the realms of his soul, quietly observing every motion and detail of the other. With a gust of passion as swift as the wind, lips latched on lips, peppered with lust and salted with heartfelt need. The two demons kissed passionately, their heat and desire palpable in the air. The touch of their lips, the taste of their mouths, the feeling of the other person's breath on their face was intoxicating. Their connection, their deep bond, only strengthened the passion between them. As they pulled away, Douma and Akaza's eyes met. The feelings they had for each other were undeniable now, and they both felt as if they were flying. "I love you," Douma breathed. Akaza shied away and held his peace in silence. Douma could feel his heartbeat through his chest. "Shut up. I love you too." The blonde giggled and wrapped his arms ever tighter around the pink-haired male. His coarse skin slithered across Akaza's own, entrapped in a need for his person to be in his grasp, so close he could hold him forever, bind him down to him by his soul. If he could have this moment forever, he would steal anything from anyone, only to be so bonded to what he cared for most. Douma kissed Akaza's neck softly, their breaths interweaving. "I never want to let you go. You are my world, my universe, my everything." He gazed fondly into Akaza's eyes, still holding him closely. The love and adoration pouring from their hearts was immeasurable. Akaza leaned into Douma's embrace, and the two demons held each other fiercely, not wanting to be apart ever. Douma mumbled into Akaza's neck, nuzzling his nose into the soft, rose petal kissed skin. "We should get you cleaned up." Without another syllable falling from either of their lips, Douma sat up, still keeping Akaza tightly secured in his grasp. Akaza let out a soft moan as his body was pushed up against Douma's. His breaths deepened, and his eyes were fixed on the other demon's lips as he took in all of Douma's movements. He felt a deep sense of peace and belonging, knowing that Douma was the one for him. As Douma stood up, he was reluctant to let go of him. "Please, don't leave me." he whispered. Douma's smile dropped into a deeply soft expression. "Why would I ever leave you? Oh 'Kaza, why would I leave?" Douma made it to the bathroom with Akaza before turning on the water to a lukewarm temperature, letting it run. Douma didn't take his gaze off of Akaza. He felt as if he was holding something so fragile, it might break in his arms if he held it too tightly. And it did. As Douma hugged Akaza, wrapping into his embrace, he felt warm droplets wet his shoulder. He stroked Akaza's hair, running his fingers through his scalp before using his fingertips to draw circles around him. He whispered into his hair, over and over; "why would I ever leave you?" and "I love you." Holding Douma tight, Akaza felt like there was a rip in his chest, that all the water was starting to dribble out of the worn out and tattered cloth, and finally into the air, steamed from the warmth he felt with Douma. He couldn't bring himself to speak, or explain why, but he was so scared. It hurt to cry, hurt to trust someone and love someone this much. He was so scared of Douma leaving him. He's been left behind too many times. If one person would stay, shouldn't it be him? Can't it be him? Tears streamed down like a river from his honey eyes. What was he so afraid of abandonment for? What happened to him? Why can't he just be normal and be happy he's loved? Sobs shook his body as he was hugged tightly. He felt so safe, so warm. But that warmth could never melt his heart, into the cold center where secrets, memories lie not even he could possibly know. His eyes stung, and his head rang, his ears screaming static at him. The only sensational comfort he could understand was Douma's touch. Slowly, his tears slowed, now steamed off as well by the warmth of Douma's love. Douma turned to him, and looked him in the eyes. Douma looked at Akaza. Akaza looked at Douma.

Drinking in the drained expression flickering in Akaza's eyes, Douma smiled warmly, his eyes tracing over every detail that blended together to create such a perfect being. His smile widened, and so did his heart. If he could, he would relive every moment spent with Akaza for the rest of his life, with this warm feeling, with this heart of gold to give to his beloved everyday.
"Your everything I want 'Kaza. Every curve, every stripe, every inch of skin, and every imperfect print. At first, I honestly thought you were heartless, cold, and a real big asshole. But now that I know you for you, your everything I really needed for balance. I love you. Endlessly."

a small smile cracked across a face that does not smile from the heart.

his heart shown through, from the very core, and cried out for this man. cried out for the compassion he would swear to own for the rest of his days.

G O D    D A M N
I hope you all liked this special 🫢

i would like to kindly remind you i haven't even kissed anyone before 😶

here's my excuse for being inactive 🧍‍♀️
can you find it your hearts to forgive me for not writing? 😭 I'm sorry this took so long for no reason.

also... bad news?? :(
my mother decided that I basically can't have a phone because my mental health is so bad, so I won't be able to write when I have time. mainly just at night. I'll try to write as much on my computer as possible before it gets too late so I can still do school, or on weekends and Fridays. 8th grade, the teachers are fucking sensitive assholes, and accelerated math and reading just got bumped up to preparing to take intense AP classes, so it's gonna be really difficult. I just got a C-on a vocab test because I had no time to study. We are also still figuring things out after building a house, so my weekends are basically taken up too. Sorry, I'm really struggling to keep up with my life right now. With this huge dive into classes and depression being one hell of a problem, getting in the way of writing and my life, I really struggle to update. I can't even see the joy in writing and my brain turned it into another way of work. Your comments have been very sweet and supportive, and I'm thankful for every single one of you followers. Whether you're just here for the content and laughs, or here to support me as a person, I appreciate you, and your not alone in daily stresses. I feel them too, and I feel highs and lows. You are really doing great in just existing right now. It sounds cheesy, and stupid, but it's true. How hard has it been to even get out of bed, to get things done, or to just breathe, eat, sleep, and drink? It's hard, and I know because I'm barely holding on myself. I was being rushed to the end of the cliff, and off the water fall, unable to use my paddle in doubt. Cutting and beating myself to rage out my self disappointment. I was barely able to lift my paddle back up, and felt it might be easier to let myself fall. But even though it would be easier, it wouldn't be worth it. I could still paddle, and I could still get out of the current, even if it pushed against me, I still had my paddle, boat, and people cheering me on. So I wouldn't let my own selfish thoughts get to me, and started rowing again. I'm not out of the current yet, and am probably still very close to the end of the cliff still, but I won't look back. You guys cheering for me has given me strength to keep paddling, and not let the tide pull me under. Just cheering for me, and using your voice, changed someone's life. You're amazing, being able to convince someone to live another year, month, week, or even just a day. That's still another day for them to live and find a reason to go another day, and another, and until those days become weeks, months, and years. If I'm honest? I would most likely have committed suicide by now if it wasn't for you all.
Depression is the current, but people are your paddle. Know that they'll be sturdy enough to support you and help you to stay afloat.

on a less serious note.....
im still trying to find out when i learnt to write shit that detailed. i've never had anything other than reading and seeing a few pictures 😭
please. aint no way I wrote this shit 😔

let's agree we won't EVER speak of this 😀

love you all 😒🫶

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