❓A Secret❓

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Yes. My goofy ass loves creepy songs so I am happy to serve you with this


! Hashira Akaza !

! Final Arc Spoilers !

! Gore !

! Contains possible disturbing content !


Akaza's POV:

The war was finally over, Muzan was dead, and so were all the demons to ever exist. The demon slayer corps won, and no one would ever have to suffer what the generations before this one had to. It was a normal night, simply and quiet, the wind dancing through the tree tops. As I set another pair of pants and shirts into the basket next to me I turned back towards my laundry. The lamp light dimly lit the room, leaving a comfortable glow of light around the room. Finally, with the new births and deaths avoided by killing off the demons had paid off and technology was on the rise. So it was convenient that I was alive to see it. Despite it being about 5 years after the war, I was still alive. My friend Kokushibo survived the mark, being born with it. I heard he had to behead his brother, who was Uppermoon 1, and I respect him greatly for that. He deserves to live to see the future. I'm turning 25 this year, so I doubt there going to be much time left for me. My birthday was only about 7 months away, and I didn't know how to feel. But it wasn't my main focus to question it now, these clothes won't fold themselves. Not yet at least.

I folded my clothes, the small buzz of insects when I sighed. The loss of my left eye making the world slightly more difficult to navigate. As I struggled to finish folding my shirt, I heard a low giggle that made my heart drop. "Oh Akaza dear, did you forget about me?~" I felt mouth run dry as I heard the creek of the floor boards. I felt my hands shake in absolute horror as I heard the light taunting giggle again. I killed that bastard! How? "Oh, you really thought you could get rid of me that easily?" I felt a feathery light hand brush my shoulder. I immediately looked down at the hand to find the same deathly familiar blood pattern of fabric. "Come on Akaza honey!~ Look at me." I felt my hands drop the cloth of the white shirt I had been clutching like my life depended on it. I felt myself turn around slowly, meeting the very same psychopathic eyes that collapsed with the head that had been separated from Upper moon 2's shoulders. I froze in fear as I saw his smile, a bloody smile plastered over the ghastly pale blonde. "Aww!~ Are you not happy to see me?~" I couldn't speak nor respond to the impossible question. "You're not? You're not happy to see me dear?" I shook in fear as his voice was harmonized with a deep voice, mocking his own. His eyes glowed, a black consuming the whites of his eyes. His voice boomed with rage, and his mouth seemed to slowly drool out a black fluid. He seemed frantic, insane and crazed. The corners of his mouth curved in a upward smile so big, I though his skin would rip. "No, I... I am!" I could barely say a word as my throat clenched. "Good love!~" His appearance faded back to its happy expression. It wasn't possible for him to be here. I had killed the Uppermoon 2 in the final battle. I had fought him alongside Shinobu. I watched them both die, and yet here he was. I felt my body tremble in horror, because he was as real as exactly a living person. There was something terribly wrong with him.

"Go on Akaza dear! Come live with me in hell! We can be happy together there!~"

I couldn't say a word, not a single syllable able to fall from my parted lips. I couldn't find an explanation for how the hell he was here. I could only muster out a single word, and it was all I needed to enrage the demon into his obsessive state I feared so.


The blonde did not say a word, but he started to creepily laugh again, the laugh getting more hysterical than the moment before. His laugh turned into sobs, before into a horrific giggle. "But don't you remember dear? You broke your promise!~" He clutched his sides as he bent over, the dark voice that shadowed over him echoed his cries. I heard a gut wrenching rip, as I watched black liquid pool on the floor. I saw the huge gashes of an extended smile from his mouth, his flesh black and dark. It smelt of poisoned and rotting flesh, making my nose scrunch in disgust. The voice repeating 'you broke your promise' over and over again. His figure then started to lose some of its shape, the insane laughter still resonating from his now disfigured form. The murmurs only changed gradually into a dark voice. The blond looked up at me, but his face was no longer there, the only thing that was in the dark shadow was pale skin and those eyes. Then his mouth had grown, and his face stretched, teeth sharp, he opened his mouth to let out a low bellow. His voice sounded hollow and endless, the sound sending chills through me. "Akaza dear!~" The voice was unrecognizable now, sounding like a empty scream. The voice was deep and sounded dry, as if a dead body was speaking, it's vocal chords long dried out, and beat into a low pitch. The density of the liquid that pooled on the floor around him, dripping from his mouth was thick. It seemed thicker than blood, and it drove me to think it was possibly melted flesh. His smile was spilt like a giant crack in cement, stretching enough to swallow a man whole. Whatever this thing was, it wasn't his ex lover. It wasn't the forced Hashira who was made into a demon. It wasn't the man he hated, but loved. It wasn't the man who betrayed him so he could destroy anything that got in their relationship's way. It wasn't the very same man he killed. This wasn't Uppermoon 2. This couldn't be Douma.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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