Gym class

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"So guys this Louis, I invited him to hang with us so please welcome him like one of the old guys. " Harry spoke to his friends at the lunch table.

Smiles were shared and loud hellos thrown at Louis when sitting down. Harry sat down and motioned for Louis to sit next to him on the bench.

He sheepishly look around the lunch room to see all eyes on them. Harry followed his gaze and scowled at the people staring. There was normal talking at the table and they talked about hobbies.

" I like to play football. At my old school I was one of the worst players but I guess I'm okay at playing. Even though I'm not awesome I like playing." A smile was placed on Harry's face.

"Well we are having try-outs after school and it would be amazing if you could come. If your as good as you say maybe we could be co-captains together." Harry responded crossing his fingers underneath the table.

Louis was silent for a moment but then nodded. Harry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The rest of lunch was talking about music taste and what time Louis had to be at tryouts. Harry was excited and soon the bell rang.

"Hey Louis what classes do you have next?" Harry questioned hoping they had the same class.

"Um," Louis pulled out his schedule," I have advanced math and then gym class." He said.

" Great! We have our last two classes together! Then we can go to tryouts together cause a lot of people might show up. I mean I'll be choosing but I'm pretty sure you will be on the team too."

" That should great! But don't cheat for me if I suck. I'll just come to every game of I don't make it onto the team. Cheer you and the guys on with a huge sign and stuff."

"Deal! The final bell rang and they realized no one was in the hallway. Harry and Louis sprinted to the classroom, ripping the door open to see a teacher taking attendance. All eyes fell on the two boys who had flushed faces and heavy breathing.

" Did you guys just have sex?" A guy in the back questions. Louis and Harry choke on air and fall to the ground. Everyone stares at them with amusement and the teacher has his arms crossed.

"Yep, they had sex," Someone in back breaks the silence. Well except from the chocking on the tile flooring. Harry and Louis heard hums in agreement which made them stop there horrible sounds.

" No! We didn't we just got caught up in something and we just happen to loose track of time!" Louis nearly shouted.

" Yeah and I'm not gay I have dated many girls." Harry says next. Louis hums in agreement silently stating he has done the same thing.

James, the football team's third best player and Harry's best friend approaches the boys. " it is okay. Denial is always the first stage but we all except you." He walked away while the rest o the class laughed.

Harry and Louis went to the only desk that was open and sat next to each other. Their faces beet red and hands covering their faces. Class soon quieted down and went back to the normal learning routine. Soon class was over and the headed to the gym. In their school two grades have gym at once and they are usually put against each other.

Harry claimed a locker and Louis claimed the one right next to his. They smiled at each other and then began to change. When Harry was all the way dressed he turned to Louis to see him putting his shorts on. He hadn't put on a shirt and he absentmindedly pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth.

Louis looked up at the curly haired boy and smirked. " Do you like what you see?" He asked shaking his hips side to side.

" Yep." Harry said popping the p. Then he registered what he just said and quickly corrected himself, " I mean no why would you think that just cause you have a tattoo and a six pack I'm automatically attracted to you?"

Louis laughs at how weakly he try's do fix his slip up. " It is okay Styles your secret is safe with me." He whispered and then pulled the shirt over his head.
He went through the door with a wink sent in Harry's direction. Leaving a open mouthed Harry styles in the dressing room looking like a fool.

He recovered with one minute before attendance was taken. He rushed out to the field and sat with his group. Soon enough Mr. R took the attendance and they were split up by grade. Zayn, Liam, James and Niall was on his team. The opposite team had Louis and a bunch of other sophomores that looked totally un-athletic.

" Guys go easy on them, we will win either way." Harry said in the group huddle. They were playing soccer and he knew Louis said he was bad so this should be easy. They chanted and took there positions, Liam in the goal and Stan, Harry, Niall, and three more seniors were out in the field.

The whisky was blown and the seniors started with the ball. Harry quickly passed it to Niall and he ran down the field. Soon Harry was in perfect position Niall passed it back. Right before the ball touched his foot it was gone. When they turned around Louis was half down the field with the ball under his legs. He reached the goal in no time and brought his foot back to kick it. Swoosh! The ball soared passed Liam's head and straight into the back corner of the goal.

" What the hell was that," Harry shouted waking closer to Louis. " You said you were the worst at your old school."

" You do realize I went to a prodigy school right. That means we have the best players so if I got in for football that means I'm pretty good. I was the worst in my school you just suck more." Louis sasses back.

" Oh it is on little boy! Do you hear me right here right now I was just going easy on you," Harry challenges. The rest of the gym class consisted of blocks, side tackles, steals, and interceptions from both sides. Louis and another guy, who was surprisingly good at football, were running the whole team.

Right now it was tied and Louis and Harry were head to head. The guy who was good I Louis' team was in goalie position so he had to do it all by himself. Harry passed to Stan when seeing Louis down the field. It was a far pass but it was impossible for Louis to run that fast.

He kicked but in the middle of the pass Louis ran with all of his energy left. It was faster than he had ever ran in his life, even at his other school. He got the ball and rushed down the field. He left the ball right before the line and the whole class watching him. Even the people who opted to just walk around the track instead of playing.

He walked away and then ran to it like a penalty trick kicked it in the air and when it came down to waist height he lifted his leg and made perfect contact. Snapping his leg the ball had extreme rotation. Liam had his eye on it so he caught it, but the spin and power was so great that he flew back and dropped the ball.

Louis' team roared as the football team stared at Louis as if he was God himself. Only some pros can do that move how could he have done that with so much power. The gym teacher, also the football coach, had his jaw on the floor like all the other students.

Louis was lifted into the air by Danny and they cheered. Louis then switched to his back and he carried him to the locker room. They passed by the other team and stuck their tongues out. Who wouldn't when you just beat the regional champions. Plus they were two years older but then Louis remembers he has tryouts. Whatever he just won't do it and ask if that could be his tryout.

Louis and Danny walk out and sit with the people trying out. They go to the sign up sheet that coach has and they wait in line. When it is time for them to approach the coach looks at them.

" you boys don't have to tryout you know. You both were amazing and Louis I'm making you co-captain with Styles over here. Danny you will be working with Liam as our runner up goalie in case Liam get injured." They both wave goodbye & go get ice cream for celebration.

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