Party time

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Vote and comment guys if you have any ideas for this story! I would also love if you told me your opinion on it because what kind of author does want feedback. I felt like you guys deserved a longer chapter so i wrote one!

The outfit he wore is on the side without the scarf though.

If you listen to the song they dance to while partying them it is even better I wrote it to the song.
Song: I just wanna by Elijah Blake


Danny rolled up to the house and parked his car. " Now Louis," he started turning in Louis' direction, " don't do something stupid there are a lot of people in this town that are horny jerks."

Louis rolled his eyes in response and gave Danny a reassuring smile. " I'll be fine, thanks for the warning." Louis unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door instantly hit with the smell of beer. He slowly breathed in and walked through the front door. In every room people, most likely students, were grinding and making out with others.

To avoid contact with the teenagers he made his way to the kitchen. On the counter two bins filled with ice and beer were situated on top. Eagerly, Louis walked to the bin and popped the cap off of a Bud Light. One swig and he was automatically hooked on the drink.

In less than ten minutes Louis was done with two bottles. The curvy lad was not satisfied yet and reached for the margarita in a bottle. The sweet yet burning drink stung his throat as it traveled down to his stomach.

Louis made his way out of the kitchen with the bottle still in hand. Suddenly and pair of hands landed on his hips and pulled him close. Louis turned around and saw a guy who looked to be in his late twenties trying to grind into him.

Louis grimaced and smack the hands away walking away at a fast pace. He walked past people until he found himself entering the living room.

Before being able to react Louis was pushed into the circle that seemed to be playing a game. When looking up he s aw that in the circle was Danny, Zayn, Liam, three girls he didn't know and Harry.

Zayn cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention, " okay we are playing truth or dare. We will go in a circle so everyone gets a chance to dare each other to. "Begin!"

Liam started, " I dare Alexa and Zayn to play seven minutes of heaven." He points to one of the girls that is referred to by Alexa. Zayn smirks while the girl sends him a shy smile and goes to the closet.

Next a girl named Britney goes and points at Liam, " I dare you to take five shots in less than twenty seconds."

Liam grabs the tequila and glass waiting for the timer. "Go!" She shouts as she presses starting the timer. Yo Louis' surprise Liam finished all five within fifteen second with the circle clapping in his shot expertise.

Soon enough Zayn came back with swollen lips with Alexa looking the same. Zayn looked at Harry and smirked, " I dare you to switch clothes with the person across from you."

Louis goes cold he sat exactly across from Harry to be as far away as he could. He groaned and stood up along with Harry. " Zayn how am I suppose to fit into his clothes?" Harry asked.

Try." Was Zayn's repose and Louis was so glad that he wore the jeans that are way longer than his legs, that he had to roll. But his shirt most likely would not fit Harry no matter how much he stretched. And that is the only thing he is trading because no one should switch used boxers!

Once him and Harry got to the room Louis unbuttoned his pants and slide the zipper down. Harry just stood there and stared at Louis making him stiffen under the strong gaze. " Aren't you going to take off your clothes so we can trade?" Louis asked breaking the silence between them.

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