The Task

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Parul's POV ---

You all must be thinking what maine of person I am, like I am a huge ass introvert who shivering right now just because some one asked her name but at the sane time I want to become a doctor,  which is the most socially active job . So let me tell you all. I do want to be a doctor cause I want to hell I even want to do as many things I can and participate in all the social activities but there is something in my mind which always stops me.

Like I want to talk to other people but I still hesitate thinking what will other people think about me. What if they judge me for something or what if I am not as good as they are in those particular thing.

Just like right now, I know it's just a senior junior interaction and they only want to know about me but still I am hesitating for god knows what.

Still mustering all the cause and confidence I had with in me I took a deep breath and said," Good morning to one and all, I am Parul Tiwari from Jhansi. My father's name is Mr. Aakash Tiwari and my mother's name is Mrs. Lata Tiwari. My father is a well known hotelier of our city. I have passed my class 10th in year 2017 and my 12th in year 2019. My neet score is 687 and my hobbies are reading books and listening to music. Please take a good care of me and thank you for listening me."

Okay so finally I said it.

"Good, all of you look at her, how confident she is. And here you all are trembling as if we will eat you raw." one of the senior boys said.

Okay I know it was in my favour, it was a compliment to me but still I think it was too much you know. Everyone is nervous here and the way all those girl seniors were looking at us I definitely felt that they are going eat us raw.

After what felt like ages the introduction came an end.

"So it was nice to meet you all, we got to know your names here and you will eventually find our names. So now I want you all to divide into groups. Group 1 will have all singers right here. Group 2 will be of dancers and group 3 will be of other hobbies or talents like drawing , crafting , reading and writing." The girl who looks like their representative said.

I didn't wanted to dance or sing to I went to the group 3 but after 15 minutes I felt like I did a really big mistake cause group one was singing group 2 was dancing but group 3 was given tasks.

"So that blue kurti," some one called me.

"Ye-yes ma'am." I said lightly.

"You will go to the hospital unit, there you will find Dr.Akshay, you will see him acting as a patient and when he will ask you your problem then you will say I love you doctor and will come back here. And don't even try to run cause I will call him for asking about you in 15 minutes and if I got to know that you didn't reach there and completed the task within those 15 minutes  then you will have to pay ." One senior said.

Oh god why , why are you testing me.

I looked at them and gulped.

Do i really have to do this ? 😭😭


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Here is another chapter for you all.

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