I think I like him

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Just as Akshay was finally talking to Mahir Parul too thought to share her thoughts with her sister. 

"Di what is love ?" Parul asked Priyali while both of them laid on her bed.

"Achanak se ye sawal kyu ?" Priya asked Parul.

"Di batao na ." Parul whined.

"Hmm, love, I don't think love can be defined. When you search on google it says love is a very strong emotion felt for another person or love is the higher stage of liking , but I think you call it love when you are able to trust someone to an extent that you are comfortable in showing your every single emotion to them , love is like a feel to care for someone at the same time they annoy you the most. Love is like fighting someone and yet coming back to seek comfort from the same person. Love is just like care , affection , anger we feel for our parents or our siblings but having a sexual desire in addition to that." Priya said.

"So there is nothing called love. " Parul said.

"You can't say that , there is love but it's not necessary that you know specifically that this is love. By the way why are you asking about love , is there someone special in your life . " Priya asked wingling her eyebrows. 

"The thing is that, may be I like Akshay." Parul said with a little hesitation in her voice.

"You do? Finally." Priya asked with wide eyes.

"Di it's just me , I mean he is a good person , a good doctor , he treats me good and in addition he is good looking. I do have a little crush on him and now Dr. Adil , his friend is trying to play matchmaker and setting us up." Parul told Priya. 

"He is doing right thing , I always wanted you to marry Akshay,  and I know he is good person and let me tell you something,  me and Mahir are trying to convince our parents for your marriage." Priya said with a sheepish smile.

"You are doing what !!"  Parul exclaimed.

"Look we noticed some spark between both of you and we also want you to be together. And if you want to date a little bit it's not a crime. I will suggest that both of you should try know eachother more in a romantic way and if you want it we will make our parents agree on this alliance." Priya said.

"Okay , I think this is best." Parul said.


Hello everyone,  this is your chapter. I know I made you all wait for a long time and the chapter is not really good but still try to read it.

I promise the next story will be mind-blowing.

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