Chapter 17: Cats and Questions

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Gabriel Agreste is a frightening man.

Aside from being cold and reclusive, the man is also horrifyingly tall. Every part of his body is covered head to toe in white except for his face. Even his hands are shielded by gloves. There is no expression on his face.

I can't stop thinking about the man as I sketch out Adrien in his backyard. He sits bent over his legs, his feet on the ground and his elbows on his knees, balancing his head in his palms. He insisted that one of his poses should be at the Agreste mansion in front of a statue of his mother.

She was a beautiful woman. I had learned Emilie was her name. Adrien certainly hadn't gotten his good looks from his father. She had a pointed chin and large eyes, a peaceful smile resting on her features. Her statue lies engraved in a stone arch surrounded by flowers. Adrien sits next to her on her eternal shelf.

The lighting of the scene is spectacular. It's midday, so the sun shines beautifully down on the scene, casting shadows in all the right places. The archway is somewhat shielded from the rays, creating a dim forest-like haze. The colors of the scene really inspired me, so I decided to use acrylic paint for this one to get a nice pop.

As much as I love doing this piece, the thought of Adrien's father doesn't leave my mind. I had arrived at the mansion with Adrien but was greeted by a tall man with a scowl on his face. My mood had instantly dampened. Something about him was very offsetting.

I had watched as Adrien immediately retreated into his shell, his eyes downcast, not once making eye contact with his father. Without shame, his father started berating him about various unimportant things, Adrien only ever responding with, "Yes, sir." The man had only allowed us out back when Adrien communicated that we had a project to do.

I didn't say a word the entire time.

I feel bad for Adrien. Was this what he had to deal with his whole life? Was his father always this cruel? Had losing Emilie destroyed their relationship?

But like many things in this city, Gabriel Agreste reminds me of someone I can't quite put my finger on. It's wildly unsettling.

I shake off my thoughts and continue to paint.

~ ~ ~

"Okay, what do you like better: cats or dogs?"

Adrien puts a hand to his chin as we walk around the park near the Eiffel Tower, thinking of an answer. We had decided to get to know each other a little better by playing a questionnaire game.

"You know, I've always said I'm a dog person, but I think I mainly said that just to fit in with people," he admits. "I really do love cats, though."

"Me too!" I chirp, thinking back to Renovva. "Hopefully I can get one soon."

"Why don't you?" he asks, tilting his head.

I sigh. "I don't know if I'd be able to take care of it right now, especially since I live alone, and I'm gone a lot for classes." It was mostly the truth; the other part was that half the time, I was off being a superhero.

"Yeah, I get that," he murmurs. "I want one of my own, too, but I don't think the strays I feed would appreciate that."

I turn to him suddenly. "You feed strays?!"

He looks at me in shock. " that bad?"

I grab his shoulders, a giant smile on my face. "How come I didn't notice? Show me!"

An array of emotions flash across his face—confusion, then disbelief, and finally a soft smile. "If you insist."

~ ~ ~

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