Chapter 22: Visit

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"Um, hey," I hear Adrien say over the phone. "Are you okay? I noticed you weren't in class today."

"I, um," I stutter. I let out a fake cough. "I'm not feeling well today, so I stayed home."

"Oh," he responds. "Do you need me to come bring anything? I could get you, like, some soup or someth—"

"No no no," I say quickly. "I'll be fine, I promise."

"Okay..." he says suspiciously. "Um, by the way, we have about a week before that project is due, and we still have four pieces to do."

"Shit!" I exclaim. "Okay, we need to get on that. Got any ideas?"

"Yeah. I was thinking we could definitely do some near the Eiffel Tower or the Seine. When do you think you'll be free?"

"Maybe tomorrow?" I reply. "I'm not too sick, I just needed a day."

"Okay." A pause. "I miss you. Class was so boring without you there."

I feel heat rush to my cheeks and my pulse increase. Damn this boy.

"I bet," I grin.

"A-are you sure I can't come over and bring you something?" he asks. "I have a few free hours and I'm bored."

I chew the inside of my cheek as I think. I had more things to think about, specifically what to do about the whole Monarch situation. Ah, what the hell. It couldn't hurt to see Adrien. He was the one I wanted to protect anyway.

"Fine," I sigh with a smile. "I promise I'm not dying, though."

"I'll be the judge of that," he laughs. "See you soon."

~ ~ ~

"My god man, I said I was fine," I fake croak.

"I had to be sure!" Adrien says happily, holding two grocery bags of god knows what. I feel a bit bad; he bought all this stuff for me when I'm not even sick.

Well, at least he's rich.

"You're ridiculous," I mutter with a laugh as I let him in my apartment.

He sets down the bags and starts taking the contents out. "Okay, I got some chicken noodle soup, saltines, orange juice, some tea, I even got croissants—"

"What the hell, man?" I laugh. Adrien stares at me, confused. "You really didn't have to do all this."

He shrugs timidly. "Well, I wanted to." He claps his hands together, turning back to the food. "So, what should we start with first? I was thinking the soup."

"Dude, I don't care," I laugh, shaking my head. "I'm just thankful you even did all of this for me."

He smiles brightly, his green eyes sparking. "You go sit down, I'll get this thing ready."

"No, man," I say, shaking my head again. "I'm capable of heating up a can of soup."

"No, I insist," he urges, spinning me around and guiding me to the couch. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me down before throwing a blanket over me.

"Hey!" I exclaim. "This is my house, dude!"

Adrien only chuckles as he walks back to the kitchen. "Just enjoy the pampering for now!"

I throw myself back onto the couch, crossing my arms and smiling. I know I can't argue with him. "At least throw me some saltines, Adrien."

The small pack of crackers comes whizzing through the air and hits me square in the face.

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