Chapter 9: Stellar Patrol

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A few days after the last akuma attack, Ladybug agreed that it would be smart to put me on patrols with them. We would take turns with only two out at a time so the other could rest.

It was my first patrol, and Ladybug thought it would be convenient if I was paired with Chat Noir first.

I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I stand on top of the Eiffel Tower, scanning the city below. Paris was aglow with city lights in the dark abyss of the night. It was absolutely breathtaking.

I sit down and swing my legs over the ledge, waiting for Chat Noir. Fashionably late, as always.

I see a dark figure soaring toward me, and suddenly before me is Chat Noir.

He bows dramatically. "Hello, Alby."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Chat," I say in acknowledgment.

His ears droop a little. "No fun nicknames this time?" I feel a sense of relief at his jokes—it looks like we won't mention the situation with La Tristesse tonight. I doubt either of us are ready to talk about it anyway.

"I don't have any currently on me, kitty."

His ears perk up happily as a grin spreads across his face. "There! There's one."

I frown, catching my mistake. "Touché." I turn back to the city. "Come on, let's get this patrol done."

"Ah, bullshit," Chat Noir groans, leaning back into the tower. "We can just stand here and make sure nothing blows up."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Seriously? Why am I here then?"

"Like I said," Chat Noir replies sassily, "to make sure nothing blows up."

"I could be sleeping right now," I grumble.

"Why sleep when you can be with me?" he chides.

I look back at him with a smirk. "Got any fun ideas?"

He puts a finger to his chin. "What do you like?"

"Uh, I don't know. Cats? Space?"

Chat's face lights up. "Perfect!" He pulls something purple from his pocket. "Ever flown before?"

"On a plane?" I ask confused. "Yeah...."

"Here. Eat it." He rips the purple thing in two. It looks like...cheese? I gaze at him questioningly. "Trust me."

I cautiously take the cheese and pop it in my mouth. When I finish, I mutter, " what?"

"Now say 'power up!'" he exclaims with his arms out. His suit changes from his usual attire into a starry sky print. An airtight mask with cat ears covers his face and green bat-like wings sprout from his back. His bell glows with white light as glowing green accents line his new suit. I look up to his eyes and find that they had turned a lilac purple. "Ta-da! Now I'm Astro Chat!"

I stand with my mouth agape. Where had these powers been all my life?

"Power up?" I mutter. I let out a little shout as white light engulfs me. I look down to find I now have glowing blue accents across my body. Luminescent gold dots resembling stars litter my suit. An identical airtight mask and bat wings appear on my body, only white. I feel my hair float into space buns on top of my head.

I examine myself, admiring the beauty of my upgraded suit. "Whoa," I whisper as I search myself.

"Cool, isn't it?" Chat remarks. I nod in awe. "Different ingredients are mixed together to create different powers, such as water breathing, ice skating, and, well, flight!"

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