Chapter 24: Ploy

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"Would you care to explain why the ever-loving fuck Chat Noir is blowing the city up in a white suit?"

I giggle nervously. "That plan of ours didn't go too smoothly."

"Care to explain what the fuck happened?" Félix asks over the phone.

I sigh. "Well, I did go a little off script."

"Oh my god, what did you do?"

"I uh..." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I may have gone after the miraculouses myself. I was going to wish for Gabriel to not be Monarch so Adrien would never have to know. I already had Ladybug's, but Chat Noir lost his shit when I asked him."


"Hello?" I ask timidly.

"YOU ARE INSANE!" I hear from the other line. I yank the phone away from my ear.

I grimace and return the phone to my face. "I'm aware. I'm regretting it now. I gave the earrings back to Ladybug and told her to meet me at the Notre Dame later. I was wondering if...maybe you could help?"

"I'd say fuck no, but since Chat Noir is destroying the whole damn city, it seems like I don't have a choice."

"Thanks a lot, asshole," I say affectionately, smiling to myself.

"Yeah, yeah. I hate you for getting me into this mess."

I laugh lightly. "Understandable. So you'll meet me a the—?"

I hear a thump behind me on the balcony. My body goes rigid, my heart pounding.

"You still there?" I hear from my phone.

With shaking hands, I whisper, "Something's on my balcony."

"What is it?"

I see a shadow loom over me in the moonlight. My breathing quickens as the silhouette gets closer.

I'd know those cat ears anywhere.

"He's here," I hiss into the phone.

"Shit, are your doors locked?"

I whimper. "No."

I suddenly fall to the ground with a startled squeal as the glass door is pulled open from behind me. I land on my back, my hands gripping my phone. I can hear Félix going apeshit on the other end of the line, but all I can do is stare in frozen horror.

Chat Blanc looks down at me, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Who are you calling, chérie?" he asks coldly.

I swallow dry. "M-my friend."

He tilts his head to the side, his expression ever stoic. "Hang up."

"Don't you dare—"

I interrupt Félix by quickly pressing the end call button. I rise to my feet slowly, shaking all the while.

"Chat Noir? Is that you?" I question, acting like I didn't just see him getting akumatized.

"No. I'm Chat Blanc," he responds blandly.

"What happened?" I ask warily.

He shrugs his shoulders and looks away. "The same thing that always happens to me."

I feel a pang in my chest at his words. This was all my fault.

"Why are you here?" I inquire, shaking as I await an answer. "Do you need something?"

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