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   There were few things that iritated Wednesday Addams more than an unsolved problem.She preferred her world to be black-and-white,logical—without a hint of uncertainty. Unfortunately for her, Tyler Galpin was none of those things.

    He had entered her life as an unassuming normie—less despicable than most, to be sure, but almost excruciatingly normal. His strange fondness for her had been somewhat of an annoyance, yet not entirely intolerable. As time passed, she had even begun to think that she might be fond of him too.Then, in a single moment, her understanding of him had been flipped on its head. She wasn’t often wrong, but even she could admit she had been terribly wrong about Tyler. He was the Hyde, the serial killer, the monster lurking in the woods. He hated outcasts, and above all—he hated her. She had never been anything more than a pawn in his game, and as a fellow chess master, she couldn’t help begrudgingly admiring his prowess.

    And so, her mind had tossed out
"Tyler-Galpin-the-unassuming-normie" in favor of "Tyler-Galpin-the-serial-killer-Hyde." As he transformed before her eyes in the woods, she had had no doubt that he was about to finish what Thornhill had failed to do. She had known—with black-and-white certainty—that she was about to die.

    But then her newly revised paradigm had shifted once again. For no matter how many times she replayed it in her head, she knew that she hadn’t imagined it.

Tyler had hesitated.

    He had had a chance to kill her before Enid came to her rescue, yet he had failed. The next logical question was why. She could see no advantage to be gained, no reason for delaying her death any further. She had fulfilled her purpose, so getting rid of her was the only sensible response. But then, why hadn’t he? She had spent the last several hours lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as she turned the problem around in her head, yet no answers were forthcoming.

    Tyler Galpin was an enigma that she couldn’t puzzle out—and it was threatening to drive her mad.

Author's note:

This is literally the first time I ever do something like this😅 I don't even know HOW or WHY I even decided do to this in the first place but here I am-
Idk where this is going to go but I'm a big fan of this ship and I like to think about different versions of shows and movies.
This is what firstly came in my mind and I hope (if somebody is going to read this) you'll enjoy it!😁

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