Chapter 13.The End

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"Now, what you've all been waiting for, please help me welcome-Mrs. Wednesday Addams!"

Wednesday stalked onto the stage amidst a chorus of sycophantic applause. The spotlights hit her like laser rays, and she nearly shielded her eyes on impulse. Were these fools trying to blind her? They would actually rise a few notches in her book if they were. It would be one of the more creative ways that someone had tried to maim her.

"Welcome, Mrs. Addams." The man who stood on the stage was tall and trim, with chestnut-colored hair and unnaturally white teeth. His name escaped her, but she decided it wasn't worth the trouble to remember. It was something basic-like John or Tom.

Wednesday supposed most women would have consider him handsome, but she felt bored just looking at him. These cookie-cutter types were of no interest to her-she had found that they typically had as much personality as a piece of cardboard.

"Welcome, Mrs. Addams." Mr. Cardboard extended his hand and gave what he had probably been told all his life was a winning smile. "You look stunning."

She stared at him until his smile flickered and he dropped his hand. He cleared his throat awkwardly and gestured towards one of the chairs that had been set out. "Please have a seat."

The chair had been upholstered with good, black leather. At least they'd gotten something right. She sat stiffly, still feeling like she was being fried alive by the stage lights.

"Well, Mrs. Addams, can I just start by saying how happy I am to have you here?"

"That makes one of us," she said flatly.

Mr. Cardboard laughed as if she had made some great joke. "Isn't she something, ladies and gentlemen? Not only a talented author, but funny to boot."

Wednesday imagined how satisfying it would be to tie this buffoon to a torture rack and make him squeal like a pig. Tyler owed her dearly for this-that was for certain.

Mr. Cardboard lounged back in his chair and crossed his legs. "So, we're here to talk about your new, best-selling novel-His Hyde's Jekyll Congratulations, by the way. Would you start by telling us a little about the book?"

A torture rack was unfortunately out of the question, so she would have to content herself with the next best thing. This interview hadn't been her idea, but she might as well have some fun with it.

"The book is 267 pages and has thirty-three chapters," she replied dryly. "The genre is horror fantasy, and the publishing company is Whitetree, Inc. You can buy it online or at your local bookstore."

Mr. Cardboard's perfectly combed eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "G-Great," he stammered. "So-" He glanced at his notes. "Ah yes, so the book centers on a teenage girl named Viper de la Muerte. What can you tell us about her?"

"Viper is intelligent, independent, and fearless. She also has the obsessiveness of a serial killer."

Mr. Cardboard looked like he might choke on his own saliva, but he soldiered on bravely.

"So, Viper eventually meets a boy with a dark secret, and as events unfold, a romantic relationship begins to develop between the two of them. What was it like for you writing that aspect of the story?"

"You'd have to ask my husband," she said dryly. "Writing romance is his preferred method of torture, not mine. I take full credit for all of the gore, though."

"I-I see."

The inane questions continued, with Mr. Cardboard's face gradually turning a very interesting shade of reddish-purple. Wednesday's lips twitched upward. It seemed that this whole interview nonsense had some redeeming qualities, after all.

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