Chapter 5. Training

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"Uh, Wednesday?" Anxiety was evident in Tyler's voice. "I really don't think this is a good idea."

They had trekked nearly half a mile to a remote part of the woods for their first practice session. Of course he chose this moment to get cold.

"Don't whine," she said. "After analyzing every option, I've determined that this is the optimal method for teaching you to control the Hyde."

Tyler glanced sideways at Pugsley, who was contentedly munching on some trail mix. "You mean by using your brother as bait?"

"I admit that he wasn't my first choice, but he'll suffice." She had initially gone to her mother-thinking how convenient it would be if Morticia were to be involved in an unfortunate bear attack-but she had been otherwise...preoccupied. The image of her parents she had stumbled upon continued to fill her throat with bile every time she thought of it. It was a feeling akin to reflux, only infinitely worse.

"Pugsley will be fine," she told him firmly. "He's experienced in these matters."

"It's true," her brother said around a mouthful of trail mix. "This isn't half as bad as some of the things sis has had me do. Honestly, this is way better than being waterboarded."

Wednesday eyed him. "You are growing up, Pugsley. You are not nearly as soft, weak, and pathetic as the last time I saw you."

Her brother's grin was wide enough to split his face. "Thanks, sis. I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

She nodded brusquely. "Now go over there and wait quietly until you're needed."

He nodded and trotted off in the direction she had directed. Wednesday turned back to Tyler.

"You two seem close," he said, " least, I think."

"We have spent many hours practicing torture techniques together," she replied flatly.

He glanced in Pugsley's direction. "Are you sure about this? If I lose control..."

"Your concern is unneeded." She reached inside her blazer and pulled out an obsidian dagger. "I have prepared for every eventuality."

Tyler's brow furrowed. "Wouldn't a gun be better?"

She wasn't surprised by his response, but it was still irritating. She raised her chin slightly, accepting the challenge. "Stand against that tree and don't move."

"Uh...ok?" He didn't even question her as he moved to obey. He was still far too trusting for her liking, but she decided to let it slide this time.

Once Tyler was in place, she released the dagger. There was a resounding crack as the blade struck wood. He turned his head slowly to see the dagger embedded a mere hair's breadth from his head. He quickly stepped away from the tree and touched his ear, as if to ensure it was still intact.

She casually retrieved the dagger and slid it back into her pocket with the others. "Like I said, I'm prepared for every eventuality. You should take off your clothes now."

He gaped at her as if she had sprouted wings. "W-What?"

"Your clothes," she said again. "There's no point in being wasteful. You may find a tree to change behind if you insist on succumbing to needless embarrassment."

He shivered, but she was unable to ascertain whether it was from the cold or from dread at what was about to happen.

"Alright," he said with obvious reluctance. "Just give me a minute."

Wednesday crossed her arms to wait as he slunk behind a tree like a guilty child afraid of being caught. Utter foolishness.

"Ok," he called a minute later. "Are you guys ready?"

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