Chapter 9. Payment & Practice

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''I'm still waiting, Wednesday."

Wednesday's face was a mask, but inside she was writhing. She had made a fatal mistake in underestimating Enid. She hadn't thought that her rainbows-and-sunshine roommate would be capable of true blackmail. Oh, how she had erred.

She forced herself forward, legs feeling like lead. This was torture of the most extreme form. She could almost admire Enid for it. Almost.

"That's it," Enid said encouragingly. "Just a little further."

"Your attempt at cheerleading is neither helpful nor productive," Wednesday said in a flat voice.

Enid rolled her eyes. "Then stop being such a baby and come on."

Wednesday slowly lifted her arms and, inch-by-inch, wrapped them around Enid. Her movements were stiff and jerky, like a puppet being controlled by an incompetent puppeteer. "I despise you," she muttered.

Enid gave her a horrifically brilliant smile. "I love you too, bestie." She flung her own arms around Wednesday, returning the embrace with a repulsive amount of vigor. It was almost as if she enjoyed it.

Wednesday was gasping for breath by the time Enid finally released her. Not because the other girl's grip had been overly tight, but because her airways began to close whenever she was exposed to prolonged physical contact. She supposed it was due to an allergic reaction of some sort.

"That's two," Wednesday told her once she could breathe again. "Your quota for the day is nearly full."

"I know, I know, you don't need to remind me."

Three hugs per day. That was the condition. Enid had originally requested unlimited hugs, but Wednesday had put her foot down, narrowly saving herself from a humiliating fate. She would have never been able to escape the shame of having 'too many hugs' written on her tombstone as the cause of her demise.

"Can we begin now?" Wednesday asked.

"I guess," Enid shrugged unenthusiastically. "What do I do?"

"Just stay there for now."

Wednesday turned to Tyler, who was trying-and failing-to keep a straight face. As if the embrace itself wasn't torturous enough, she was forced to have a peanut gallery as well. Their first hug earlier that morning had been in front of her entire family. The mere memory of it made her want to gouge her eyes out.

"What are you waiting for?" she said. "Go get undressed."

"Uh yeah, sorry." He hurried away, disappearing behind a thick-trunked oak tree.

"You guys ready?" he called a few moments later.

"Wait a second," Enid said. Her voice sounded even higher than usual. "Shouldn't I wolf out or something?"

"No," Wednesday told her. "If you're in your werewolf form, it will give the Hyde the impression that you're looking for a fight. Use it only as a last resort."

"So, you really just want me to stay here like a sitting duck?"

"That's the idea. You're bait, remember?" Any iota of guilt she may have felt had been eradicated after those two hugs.

Wednesday confirmed that they were ready, and the familiar sounds of Tyler's transformation echoed through the forest. Enid looked like she might faint as the Hyde appeared from behind the trees. She had seen him once before, but that had been under the shroud of darkness. Here in the midday light, she could finally see the creature in all its hideous glory.

Wednesday moved to intercept the Hyde.

"What are you doing?" Enid asked anxiously.

"I'm fine, Enid. Remember what I told you."

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