Someone once said. "Time is the answer. It's the key to help us move on. Forget what we need to forget, smile about the things that we couldn't before, and learn from the past mistake." But somehow time only manage to help Ohm with the last two.
Ohm still couldn't forget.
Probably because they have so many events together, being in the same company, and being by each other side when one of them is at their lowest. They argued, made up, and love each other a little more.
It has been a year since they had that conversation. They never talk about it again and moved on with our life. Ohm have his series 10 Years Ticket, and Nanon has his series Dirty Laundry and they both have a movie together called My Precious.
Ohm arrived at the shooting area for My Precious and meet Chimon on the way in.
"Ohm!!" Chimon excitedly called out to Ohm, in which he gave him a smile back.
He walked over, put his arm around Ohm's shoulder and they began to joke around.
Walking up the stairs they were greeted by Nanon who's smiling at them.
"Can't y'all hurry it up, everyone's waiting."
To which Chimon replied "Handsome people take their time you know."
They all laughed and walk to the room. Ohm can feel his hand touching Nanon's hand as he's holding onto Chimon's shoulder. Ohm's eyes panic a little but he did his best to act cool like how he have been acting for the past year.
It's not uncommon with these slight touches or a full on physical hug and cheek toward cheek because they have to do fanservice, not that they're being forced but both are genuinely feel comfortable with each other.
It's just that Ohm's feelings always deepen when it happens. He panic a little, heart started racing, ear's turning red, butterfly in stomach; all the symptoms of loving someone. It's just that he gotten much better at hiding it. So good that even he himself might start to believe it.
When they reached the room, Film, Neo and Euro were already sitting there reading their script. Neo turns and gave them a big smile. "Noisy as always you three."
"Three of us combine can't compare to you Neo." Chimon joked.
Chimon and Ohm walked over to the table and sat down next to Euro while Nanon sat on the opposite side with Film and Neo.
Since the main character in this movie is Nanon and Film, they are going to interact with each other a lot not only at the filming site but the media as well. And Ohm don't know how he feel about that. Since they both have their own series and is not like Ohm get to see him interact with his female lead in Dirty Laundry so it was alright. But now seeing it up close kinda crack his mask.
"Huh?" Ohm snap out of it. Look up to the voice calling him.
Their eyes meet. Time stoped for a second and Ohm quickly closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and with a playful smile he said, "What's up jaaa?"
Nanon rolled his eyes.
"P'Fon asked if everyone is ready."
"Yepp I'm all good. Are we going yet?"
"Ye. Hurry up." Nanon replied as he stand up and walk to the door to meet with the others that was waiting for them.
"Y'all go ahead I'll be right there. I need to go the restroom." Ohm walk pass them and toward the bathroom.
He walk in there and wash his face to calm himself down and leave to meet up with the gang.
A long hours passed by
They were finished with today shoot and were at the beach. Ohm walk alongside the water to take a breather.
Out of nowhere, a big shadow jump on his back and started whining.
"Ohmmmmmm, carry meee." Nanon said.
Ohm smiled and gladly carry him. As Ohm carry him, the camera crew nearby took the opportunity to take a picture which both pose for.
Smiling eyes and big wide smile, they're enjoying themselves.
The day ended and as Ohm was ready to leave, Chimon grab his hand and asked "You're not going to Nanon's house for movie night?"
"I don't know why we still have movie night when you always end up falling asleep first and then the next morning you're like. "Y'all should have woken me upppp. I was looking forward to see it so baddd." To which, Nanon have to comfort you and we all have to rewatch it. But YOU, and I mean YOU still do the same thing all over again."
" I won't this time I promise." Chimon said in his soft whiny voice. A voice that Ohm knows he can't reject him.
At 11pm they all reach Nanon's house and it was going to be a long night.
A Secret Deep Inside
ФанфикOhm and Nanon was asked to play a series together. As acting became too real and feelings is starting to developed. They couldn't stay just friend.