I'm What You Would Call A "Gamer Girl"

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I'm back and the PS5 still has no games.

I lied actually, it has Forspoken.


Nepgear popped up from the bottom of the screen.

"Heeeeello everybody my name is Nepgear, not Markiplier. And today. I am going to be playing something that a lot of people want me to play."

The screen now showed a game with a camera in the corner for Nepgear's face.

The Joy Of Creation.

"Now. Before we begin. I must clarify that I am a huge pussy. Then again, I have one. Maybe the two are connected." She then seemed to look at the wall past her monitor. "That begs the question... Can a Goddess get preganante?"

She pondered this for a second before shaking her head.

"Forget it. The last thing I want is to accidentally stumble on porn of my sister pregnant again... Long story." She looked at the monitor. "ALRIGHT! It's time for me to piss myself and also create a solid argument for me not sleeping tonight."

She started up the game.

"By the way, if this video gets 10k likes I'll... Hmm... What should I actually do for that?....." She then smiled. "You know what. Three hundred thousand likes and I'll do a deep analysis on the brony community."

About 20 minutes into the video that is about an hour long and Nepgear was on her fifth attempt at running from the mess that is Bonnie.

"Alright Bonnie boy. You attack me one more time and this flashlight is going up your ass... Nah, he'll probably wear it and fuck me with it. Metaphorically." She turned a corner. There the animatronic stood, facing away from her. "... You can go fuck off you dyslexic fuck."

As soon as she was about to walk back around the corner, she heard rapid footsteps.

"He heard me! Fuck! Get the fuck away from me you fat bastard!" She ran into a room that was a dead end and turned around. "I'll sing to him! I caaaan't pay electric biiilll- AH! FUCK!"

She almost fell out of her seat.

"Ok... Fuck it, this time I'm going against Freddy..." She looked at the camera and looked away for a second. "Look. Hear me out... I'm not a furry... but, Freddy can take me any day of the week. I'm sorry, but... Fuck, he does it for me."

She started the game and immediately went to find what she was supposed to find, praying she didn't get scared.

Her head was retracted down so much that she didn't have a neck.

"Is that him?..." Turning a corner, she saw Freddy. "He's facing me! Fuck! YOU CUNT!"

Nepgear basically jumped out of her seat.
She paced around.

"Fuck this I'm playing Genshin Impact. I need to be a lesbian for a bit."

The video, despite being titled The Joy Of Creation Gameplay, has now changed to Genshin Impact.

Nepgear immediately went to the wish banners.

"Now as you can see I have nothing to wish with, but luckily for me, I have money. This allows me to gamble." The video jumped to her going for her first wish. "Give me... I dunno, anyone but Childe, I just don't care about him."

The first ten wishes were weapons.

"Fuck.... Again."

More weapons.

"Cock sucker!"

The third one actually gave her a character.


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