[3]a brisk walk

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(Song above is for next chapter by the way...)

Wilbur, Beautie

WILBUR POV (next day):
I'm walking back to work, about a block to go. I Beautie following behind me. For some odd reason she always walks about 5-8 steps behind and on the tips of her foot, not quite sure why. I'm starting to believe she doesn't want people to think we know each other, or she doesn't want to talk to me. I pull my headphones out of my work uniforms pocket, and plug them into my phone and hit "shuffle." My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone starts to play, it's an okay song just a bit overused. Beautie taps me on the shoulder so I take my headphones out. "Yeah dear?" (IFS NOT A SHIP EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW) Beautie let's out a small laugh.
"It's almost lunch time, it's 11:27. Do you want me to get us something to eat?" I pause for a second in my place. I guess I could *attempt* to eat. Beautie smiles at me, putting her phone into her bag. She pulls out her wallet (women cna use wallets to, sexists) and pulls out some cash and a card. "I believe I have enough for lunch atleast." She smiles, kind of concerned how much money she has.
"It's alright Beautie, I'll have something from work. You can totally get yourself lunch though!!" I smile, also nervous how much money she has. No matter how long I haven't eaten in, I want to make sure she eats. Beautie is like a sister to me, she matters more then me for sure. I mean, wouldn't you? Well, depends on who your sibling is I guess.. she looks at me and turns her head back to her wallet.
"Okay!!" She takes the items and shoves them into her wallet, then her wallet into her purse. She smiles, looking around for something. "Where's your bag hun?" I grab my bag and show it to her, her smiling not so confused anymore.
About 13 minutes later we end up to work, a bit late what it doesn't matter.

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